New store *alert*!!!!

There's a NEW store in Los Angeles!! It's called Millie Papercrafts. My friend Kara told me about it last night. My jaw dropped when I saw it!! What a cute space filled with paper that I *love* and stamps too!!!!!! And *the* cutest dog (next to my sister's dog, Dewey) named Millie. Millie wanted to shower me with love and kisses when I walked in (what a cute pooch!!) Jennifer, the store owner was great to talk to!! The store is extremely inviting and chock full of fun stuff. They even have space in the back for classes!!!

The store is open:
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11 - 7
Wednesday 11 - 7
Thursday 11 - 7
Friday 11 - 7
Saturday 11 - 7
Sunday 12 - 7

Millie Papercrafts is located at

138 N. La Brea Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90036
Between Beverly and First
Parking is available in the back
(323) 934-4900

This is dangerous ;) a store that is a mere 5 minutes from my house!!! I'm very excited!!!

David, Tristan and I went to see a film last night-RASHOMON at the Academy on Wilshire (cheap tickets for one of our favorite movies-yay!) Any ways, there were a LOT Of Japanese people-FROM Japan - there because it was recently restored, etc...Amazing that people traveled so far for this event-it's a tribute to Kurosawa's brilliance. We sat in the back row. After the film ended, we were the first ones up and out (to go see the director, Akira Kurosawa's exhibit of his personal items, diaries, photos, stamps (!!! he carved his own chop style stamps), etc... So, we all go down the stairs and I turn to my right and see a Japanese film crew (!!!!!!! ACK!!! I KNOW what's coming!!) Sure enough-we start to book it across the hall (for some reason we seem to be a magnet for film news crews). The lady news reporter starts FOLLOWING us saying "Excuse me...excuse me..." I stop (David and Tristan kinda kept going...) and she asked if we could be interviewed. I really don't like being interviewed (and David and Tristan are worse then me!!! SHY!) So I look at David and I really don't know how to say no to this lady (she was very polite). Any ways instead of interviewing the 3 of us at the same time (which would have been BETTER and would have worked) they interview us separately starting with ME (ugh-I was horrible), David was great...then they go to ask Tristan questions and he starts to run away!!!!! ha ha ha ha ha!!! I am still laughing. I shrugged my shoulders and told the lady again "I said he was shy!!" LOL!! It was very funny!!!! I still can't get the sight of Tristan RUNNING away out of my mind and am still laughing about it!!!

Those of you in L.A. should visit the Academy's lobby and 4th floor gallery space to check out the vast amount of Kurosawa memorabilia. Check the website for specifics.

You can also see Akira Kurosawa's drawings online here.

The 4th floor has a catalog available (for $25) of some of his artwork. Amazing, beautiful work. Towards the end of his life he wasn't writing scripts, but solely working from his drawings, paintings and sketches. His work is pure poetry in motion.

To think that he was almost completely blind when he directed Ran...the majority of the artwork that is at the Academy is post 1985!!!

Go rent Rashomon, you won't regret it.


Auntie Karen said…
I love Kurasawa too. We were lucky enough to stumble upon an exibit of his artwork in NYC a few years back and it was just amazing. I hope they release the restored Rashomon on Blu-ray!

Hey, that paper store sounds great but I'm a little more than 5 minutes away :( You up for a little personal shopping? That owl paper is too cute!
Envious of a store so cool sounding 5 minutes away from you! I have to drive 2 hours to get to one!! Thanks for the pink link! I *heart* pink, too! Love your blog!
Jeane Frizzell said…
Tristan rocks!
Anonymous said…
Adorable papers - specially the owl one!

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