My boy started school today...

Early too (ugh ugh). He has to be there between 7:50 and 8:00 a.m. Long day. We pick him up at 3:08. I think someone will be very tired this afternoon. Not sure if it will be him or me ;) It's our first year of Tristan having to wear a uniform (I wore one for 8 years, thank you very much :P). Lots of girls getting pulled aside for wearing different color shirts under their school uniforms. Lots of nervous kids this morning. Lots of "Do you know where "room X" is?" I loved when they asked us 'cause we were clueless...except for when it was "B1" and the kids would say "Do you know where B2 is?" Um, yeah, right next to B1. ;)
I happily picked up a new book last night. Chris Orr's The Multitude Diaries. I LOVE Book Soup and their art books. I could spend hours in there just oogling everything. This one was a must have and it was $20! Yay! Check out Orr's website here.
3191 A Year of Mornings is very, very high on my want list right now. It's not out yet (up until 9 a.m. this morning, all of the release dates were listed as 9/3/08. Suddenly that's changed and the date is up in the air). I had been looking forward to stalking my local bookseller for it today, not that I don't have nine million things to do but I thought it give me something fun to do to take my mind off of munchkin's first day....I hate when the publishers and distributors toy with you and change the release dates... they only seem to do it when I am hunting down a book. Make sure you check out 3191: A Year of Evenings here.I also saw this book last night. I didn't buy it, but Taschen's The Polaroid Book is on my "wish list". It's $15 and looks Very very cool.


It's about damn time!

Democracy Now Journalists Amy Goodman, Sharif Abdel Kouddous and Nicole Salazar illegally arrested at RNC. Clearly, someone can't read the words "P R E S S". More here, as well.


Top Shelf is having a massive $3 book sale!


BTW, thanks for the advice on SF. I have given Flax large chunks of my cash many many times (*love* their paper!)..does anyone know more obscure out of the way, off the beaten path, etc... type places? Book stores? Fun stuff? SF. Berkeley. Marin. No CA?? :) THANKS!!!


Joyce said…
Sent my grandson to his first day of first grade today. This is his first all day experience. Forgot to give him his note as to where he was going after school, a few scary moments, his good luck notes from mom and Nana, and his lunch! He took it all in stride. I, however, will have bad dreams all night. Bad Nana, very bad Nana!
Anonymous said…
hmmmm...weird stuff? cheap? Try 'Scrap'in San Francisco (a scrounger's paradise!), also Dick Blicks', FLAX and Pearl( regular supplies, but I've found incredible paper sample grab bags at FLAX)...heard good things about Paper Tree in JapanTown, Paper Source (there are several in SF)... Daiso in Daly City (funky Japanese import stuff)...A TON of funky places in Berkeley. Start with Castle in the Air

One place I'm dying to visit (and take a class) is The San Francisco Center for the Book...I know that Sas Colby is teaching there!!

Have a great trip!! It's hotter than heck here in San Jose right now...100degree temps until the weekend...but the city should be gorgeous!
lynne h said…
kelly, tristan looks so handsome! he's growing up!

thanks for the heads up about the books. that polaroid one looks like a must have (have i ever seena taschen book i didn't want?), and i'll check out the others as well.

and you're going to the frida exhibit!! man, that'll be great...
Anonymous said…
Hi Kelly,

You are sooooooo dangerous I spent $$$$ on books while in LA. That Lulu book was heavy but scrumpcious! I'm passing on the "I *Heart* Your Blog" award to you because I love your blog. Please check for more info.
I hope Tristan enjoys his first week of school.
rscoach said…
Tristan looks so grown up! I totally love the uniforms not like the 'old school' plaid skirts and blazers when I went to school! I think his starting a new school is harder on you and all the Moms than on the kids! A new adventure for both of you! xo reva

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