My boy makes me laugh...

Quote of the day:

"What language is Australian DVD's?"

I asked him what language Eddie Campbell spoke. He said, "Australianist." I said, "Really?" "What language does he speak?" "English with an Australianist accent." I then explained that Eddie was from Scotland but now lives in Australia. To which he then responded "Just like Willie (from the Simpsons)." Now I want to know what "Australianist" means.

Okay we tried again..I said if you can speak to Eddie Campbell at Comic Con and he knows what you are saying and you know what he is saying what does he speak? "Australianist." I said, "But you don't speak another language other then English." To which he responds, "Oh yes, I do. Si, Senor."

Oh to be 11.


lynne h said…
: ) : ) : )
Lisa Zahn said…
I have an 11 year old boy. I can relate to this post! Aren't they awesome?

Thanks for commenting at my blog. I've never seen your blog before--I'll take some time to peruse.

Stephanie said…
too cute!!
Anonymous said…
He is so right, and so funny!

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