I'm in Love...

I found a new book love:

Rebecca Purcell-Rebecca's work is profiled in the new Mary Engelbreit's Home Companion. All I'll say is, my jaw dropped and I'm in love with her style!!! LOVE it.

We picked Tristan up yesterday. His back pack was heavy with homework (2 hours-but what can you do?). He said his teacher told him she was strict. He did make a couple of friends (they spent the lunch break talking about comic book movies). No crying (well, except for homework). He seems a lot better. Hopefully the homework situation will work itself out. I told him he has to get used to it as I had a ton of homework in 6th grade and I remember how hard it was (I had a NUN too! The same Nun my Aunt had as a teacher decades before me-LOL!! Joni's reaction to finding out who my teacher was, "SHE'S STILL teaching!?!?!?! I thought she was dead!" LOL!!)
I survived 6th grade and many more years of school. I remember exactly how he feels. At least he has a teacher who cares about learning, friends he can talk to and isn't coming home crying, etc...





The single clenched fist lifted and ready,
Or the open hand held out and waiting.
For we meet by one or the other.

-Carl Sandburg


●• Thereza said…
Hi Kelly,
thank you so much for purchasing the zine!
i'll be posting it to you either tomorrow or saturday morning. have a nice evening :)
lynne h said…
lol! a NUN definitely deserves all caps. ; )
Shoshanah said…
oh lovely -- that book is out of print! how can that be?!?

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