
The Banana Splits are making a come back!! (well, to me, they never really went away!!)

And if this isn't stupid, I don't know what is...


Carla Sonheim said…
Ha! This seems vaguely familiar, but...???????? I'm not sure if I caught this one! Still.... did I? How old are you, Kelly??!
Kelly Kilmer said…
: ) I'm 33. I caught the Banana Splits in re-runs in the late 70's early 80's.
OMG! I love the Banana Splits. Wish I had seen this before your Ink About It classes. We could of sung the theme song!

I met them you know. They did a mall appearance when I was a kid. Aren't you incredibly jealous??? They were, are and always will be Wicked Pissa!

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