Tristan, my Mom, Erin (my sister), Andrea (my cousin) and I hit Cape Cod (aka "The Cape") yesterday afternoon. My Mom has a time sharing thing down there, so we dropped her and Tristan off to use the pool, play tennis and all that jazz while Erin, Andrea and I went shopping.

The first stores we went to, I forgot to use my camera. We stopped at The Strawberry Patch in Brewster where I found a bird and a hand cookie cutter, some cranberry soap, a pack of Melissa Sweet Playing Cards, bandanas for Erin and Andrea, an embroidered picture for Erin that says "Love me when I least deserve it, because that's when I really need it." (that's very Erin), etc...

We also went to the General Store where my sister loaded up on fudge of all varieties (I bought a 1/2 lb.)

In between, we tried to scope out some antique stores and bookstores, but everything we found was insanely overpriced and not of much interest. I wanted to go to the big antique shop near Yarmouth Port, but we ran out of time.

Erin saved the best for last...a fun shop called "Earth House" which is composed of 3 different stores (and an antique-y type shop in the basement). I had fun. I found a pink bandana, a pink skirt and some neat Buddha feet postcards that I went ga-ga over. I LOVED the shirts in the store and would have bought some if I had had more money. Too cool shirts. LOVED the store

Here's a pictorial tour of the rest of our day-

(Tristan told me it looked like I bought a "Lynda Barry hat"'s a pink bandana wrapped around my hair.)
We ate dinner at Laurino's which was ok, but expensive ($10.25 for chicken fingers??) Tristan and Mom on the Brewster Beach. My sister snapped these pictures:

How cool is this!??!?!

The following pictures were taken by Erin as we laughed hysterically at something and she just randomly snapped...

A fun day was had by all. We ended it at Dairy Queen on Main St in Weymouth. I don't recommend their strawberry shortcake ;) but everything else is always yummy!


Marissa said…
DQ on Main Street is Jim's favorite place. I can get Jim to run any errands as long as they include a stop at DQ. That place is hopping on Friday and Saturday nights. We now go to Michelle's for ice cream and softserve on 3A in Weymouth. No one knows about the place and there's never a wait. I think there are over 24 flavors of softserve! See ya Saturday!
Kelly Kilmer said…
LOL!! MY family knows about Michelle's!! LOVE it!! Tristan has been itching for DQ 'cause the closest one to us is NOT close :P So, he got his DQ last night and I got my Friendly's Reeses Peanut Butter Cup Sundae the other day which is just like half moons-one of the best things EVER!! LOL!!

Looking forward to seeing you Saturday!!!!!!

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