Cool stuff that came in the mail while I was in AZ....

Tristan and I are almost all packed (eeps-clothes! Can't forget those!!). We're leaving tomorrow for Boston for two weeks. I will be checking email and updating the blog from there as much as possible! Would you believe I only have 3 suitcases that I am bringing?? I mailed 3 boxes of stuff to my parents' house and already have the paint there. Yay!! Less to schlep on the plane! Of course that doesn't include my purse, my carry-on, Tristan's carry-on... ;)

While I was at Art Unraveled, the only mail that my mailman delivered was packages (how weird to go for 5 days and not have any first class check from the government yet either...hmmmm....). Any ways, the cool stuff that came was:

FINALLY!! My Lisa Bearnson foam stamp set came. These puppies are HUGE and SO worth the $$!! I did the happy dance when I saw them!

First, I fell in love with Japanese tape and now it's Korean tape. Oh heavens. Go check out RetroNana's etsy shop for some of the coolest tape around!!!!! Some of it is TRANSPARENT!!!
Needless to say, I have now ordered twice!!!!

Yeah!!!!! My Lynda Barry book came!! (Also got her audio tape-The Lynda Barry Experience-LOVE it!) I am now only missing one book-It's So Magic! Though I would LOVE to be able to find Lynda's comics she did in the '79 to '81!!!!!!!
I forgot to tell you guys in my previous post that I tried to access my blog from the hotel at AU. It wouldn't let me!!!!! It BLOCKED access to my blog because of my post on how I was missing this book from my collection:
How frickin' funny is that!??!?! Now it's only this book I am missing (in addition to her self published comics!!!):

I'm still trying to decide WHICH books to bring with me to Boston. I am leaning towards Cruddy, What It Is and 1000 Artist Journal Pages. I would love to bring LULU but it's too damn big!

Looking forward to seeing my Marshfield, MA buddies this weekend at The Stamp Act!!!!


Theresa Hall said…
What a stash! I'm glad you had a great time at AU-I love it too. Just wanted to pop in and tell you that I always read your blog daily. And you are entirely responsible for Amazon books being in love with me too. *hugs* Theresa Hall in Tucson

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