After we visited Hammond Castle, our next stop (one of my priorities) was The Paper House. Mom & I went in while everyone else just hung out in the car. Even though the inside is small, I could have spent a while in there just oogling and ahhing over everything inside. It's amazing. See for yourself:

Some close ups:

The inside wall-lined with newspaper and varnish:I love the "cut" look here:
A close up of the side of the fireplace:

The top of the curtain!!!!!
Visit The Paper House in Rockport, MA. More info and an interview with the Caretaker here.

52 Pigeon Hill St., Rockport - Pigeon Cove, MA

Hours: The paper house is open all day, every day from spring through fall.

Admission is $1.50 for adults and $1.00 for children ages 6 - 14. Admission is on the honor system. (I LOVED this. We left an envelope in the designated area for the caretaker. I also bought my Mom a necklace while we were there.)

Rockport, MA is one of my favorite cities. Yes, it can be very touristy but it's well worth the trip as it is right on the ocean and just jaw dropping in it's beauty.
