Second blog post of the day-

I was surprised to find a copy of Alan's War, which isn't supposed to be published until late October 2008, in a local comic book shop. It's a very interesting memoir, but not quite a work of art.

Three out of five stars.


Speaking of books, Abbey Hendrickson has a set of 3 zines out right now. Book by it's cover blogged about them the other day. Check out Abbey's blog here. I have her book, the bird feeder, and it is one of my treasures. Another Abbey interview here.


Two books due out in August/September are

Taking Flight

Mixed Media Self Portraits

more due out later this year:

Fables Covers the art of James Jean

James Jean Postcard book

I can't wait til December and Danny Gregory's new book...


I saw Taschen's reprint of Peter Beard's End of the Game last night at Barnes & Noble. I have that one but I really wish they would reprint 50 years of Portraits and make reprints of his previous published books that focus on his journals available at a reasonable cost (not several thousand dollars!!!) I do wonder what this book is that is due out in November.


Sandy said…
Wow Kelly, it sounds like you love books as much as I do. Thanks some of the recommendations.