My boy does the tango...

Tristan's school had a special "Dancing with the Stars" program. The various classes have been learning everything from the Tango to Swing to Disco, etc... The third grade class even danced to Michael Jackson's "Thriller" in their Halloween costumes. THAT was cute. Here's Tristan's class dancing the Tango. Tristan is dancing in the long sleeved white shirt (that's way too big for him) dancing with the little girl in the cute brown and white dress! They are a cute couple!!!

His class graduates tomorrow so yes, I'll b e posting more pictures tomorrow at some point...The proud Mommy that I am :)


Journal page I started last night:

The Crafter's Workshop has one of THE coolest stencil/templates *EVER*
. I love the dot one.
I used to teach for them when they had a store in New York. I really miss that store. It was one of my faves!! Hi Elmsford Gang (waving!!). A big bonus was it was a hop, skip and a jump from Sleepy Hollow Cemetery-one of THE best Cemeteries EVER! Thanks Alix for pointing this out the other day. It was truly a GREAT find.

Did you know that the Charles & Ray Eames postage stamps are out??


I finished the book, Fluffy, last night. It was interesting. My favorite bits (besides the bunny) were the dandruff and the dust particle characters. Check out Simone's website here.


Anonymous said…
Your son is really cute in these pictures with those round young cheeks. Very lovable!
(fan mail from some flounder)

P.S. I posted some of my pages from class on my blog. It was really fun and I am carrying the book around wherever I go, just like you said.
Sandy said…
They look so cute dancing. I love your page and don't worry, all parents that I know stink at video games, I think our reactions get slower. LOL I love those postage stamps and will have to check out that book.
&rew said…
Sleepy Hollow Cemetery? Near Tarrytown? I will have to check it out - only about 1/2 hour from my house! &rew