Journal pages from last night:
(I finished this one):
The "Truth" one is one of my favorites so far:
This one is a work in progress:

I have decided that in July when my site expires (not the domain name though), I am going to forgo having a website to post my upcoming classes. Until further notice, I will be posting my workshops on This way, you will have access to the most current, up to date information on my workshops. I will also post photos and all necessary information/links. :)


Tristan and I went to the 9:30 a.m. showing (hey, it's $6 a ticket vs $9.75 a ticket) of WALL-E.
We LOVED it. Both WALL-E and Presto! were fresh and wonderful. The only drawback? WALL-E is *not* a film for American children under the age of 7. The only two kids in the theater were Tristan and a 4 or 5 year old girl (in all there were less than a dozen people in the audience which surprised me). The girl and her mom talked the WHOLE film especially the first 45 minutes where there isn't any dialog. "Why is he all alone?" "What's that?" "Why is the bug on him?" "What's his name?" "Why are they holding hands?" "What are they doing?" "Mommy, why is that red haired lady getting tape out of her purse?" "Mommy, why is that lady trying to tape my mouth *muffle muffle*?" JesusMaryandJoseph, I wanted to tape both the kid AND the Mom's mouth. "SHUT UP!" I resisted the urge to scream a few times. I've been to LOTS of movies but have never had someone constantly TALK the whole film. So, be forewarned, go to a later screening. Tristan *loved* it (so did I). We may go see it again (and this time, I WILL bring tape).


Apple said…
I know I have said this a million times, but it just blows my mind how you can come up with so many different journal pages. It takes me days to come up with an idea for just one. I am jealous!! ha ha
Anonymous said…
Hi Kelly I see your teaching at Stamp Act! I cannot wait to come down and meet Marie,she is interested in me teaching too! I am so honored!
I love your work so inspiring!
Denise Nantasket Beach Mass.
Anonymous said…
:) I hate people who talk in the cinema, how annoying. I also know people who like talking through movies...why??
DMG said…
Kelly, I love these pages. I just began an art journal about two weeks ago, and I find it to be compulsive. I'm not sure what it is about this form of expression that allows me to be so spontaneous, but my journal makes me feel free to try the things that I'm inhibited about in more formal genres. Your journal pages are VERY appealing to me and "educational."

Thank you for sharing them!

Dawn said…
OMG I A*B*S*O*L*U*T*E*L*Y HATE HATE HATE when people talk during movies! But I'm glad to hear Wall E was a good one :)
Joy Logan said…
YUMMY pages Kelly,you always do it! Hey any excess goodies laying around or extras just send my way,I try to incorporate them into some project of mine.HUGS.