Get in the car and GO, now...Walk. Take the Bus...Whatever you have to do (that's legal) to get these books
Yes, this is Thursday's post on Wednesday night... ;)
Get thee to a bookstore *NOW* and pick up copies of 1000 Artist Journal Pages and True Vision. Yes, you NEED both of them. Now. Mine came today (and yes, they did come pony express...thank you Mr. UPS man!) These are two of the BEST books of 2008 and of this little thing we call "art journaling". I have already flipped through both several times and they only arrived a few hours ago. I will be toting them around with me for several weeks-pure, utter eye candy. I can't wait to dive in.

*Sigh* Munchkin's last day of Grade School is tomorrow (Thursday). Middle School, here we come. Well, after a well deserved Summer Break!!!
I love you Munchkin!!!!!
The next few days may be crazy...I will try to post as often as I can. :) Thanks for understanding!!!
Get thee to a bookstore *NOW* and pick up copies of 1000 Artist Journal Pages and True Vision. Yes, you NEED both of them. Now. Mine came today (and yes, they did come pony express...thank you Mr. UPS man!) These are two of the BEST books of 2008 and of this little thing we call "art journaling". I have already flipped through both several times and they only arrived a few hours ago. I will be toting them around with me for several weeks-pure, utter eye candy. I can't wait to dive in.
The next few days may be crazy...I will try to post as often as I can. :) Thanks for understanding!!!
You know what book I'll be taking to bed with me tonight!!!
It's definitely drool worthy.
Great pic of you and the kidlet.
He's truly lucy to have a Mom like you.
In her class we used the Novacan on copper mesh and the Speedball Super Black Ink techniques...great fun,loved the effects...nice to add a few new goodies to the creative arsenal!!