SECOND post of the day...Warning, full rant ahead...

Some blogs are discussing the high price of comic books. Just because something might be "
worth" "X" amount of money, doesn't mean that everyone has the funds to actually be able to buy it. It seems as if some people think that we have the money to "buy it all" and that we are hoarding our pennies and just being stingy like Scrooge McDuck (swims like a porpoise in his money vault)-that we can actually afford everything out there, yet it's just us being tight wads. The price of everything has gone up. Gas goes up. So the price of food goes up because hardly anything is grown locally anymore. So the companies pass their transportation costs along to us. The news media complains about food shortages. There isn't a food shortage. Food is just too damn expensive. There's a money shortage. If you go to the grocery store, you may see how much food is thrown away or left to rot instead of donated to the local food banks. You can also do some research and learn how farmers are paid to not grow food. What the hell does this have to do with me ranting about comic books?

My favorite comment was from this blog, where the writer said that he's just as happy paying $9.99 to 16.99 for something that used to be two or three bucks because "they're
great comics".
Well, you know, I need to put gas in my car and gas when I started driving in the '90s was $.97 a gallon. Now it's $4. Driving is "great", but $4 a gallon and climbing-ouch. Ditto with bread. Used to be less than a $1 a it's over $4 a loaf for
real whole wheat...My grocery bill was $108 and we don't buy meat, but we buy fruits, vegetables, milk. The only "junk" I bought was ice cream. This same bill used to be $80 something for everything now it's almost $30 more for weekly staples.

We can't all afford to buy everything that's out there. We can't all afford to shell out $10 to $20 for something that used to be $3 because it's "
Great". If, we're "hoarding our pennies", it's because we have bills to pay, rent to pay, food to put on the table and all that jazz. It's not because we're tightwads and we're rolling in dough. It's because the prices of EVERYTHING is going up and wages aren't. So, we're forced to pick and choose WHAT to buy.

The bottom line is, we have to make choices. There are limits as to what we can afford and what we can spend all of our pennies on. Some people seem to overlook this.


Have I pointed out how much I love Gore Vidal? In case you didn't get that in any of the past blog posts about Vidal, I greatly admire that man. Another interview with him here.


Barbara Hagerty said…
Thanks for the *rant*! Said everything I would have, but much better than I could have!
Joy Logan said…
I miss just driving around exploring,can't afford that nowdays!

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