Last night David, Tristan and I high tailed it over to Storyopolis in Studio City for "An Evening with Will Eisner: The Spirit Lives". I thought I'd share some of the photos from last night with you:

If you don't know who Will Eisner was, you will by the end of this year. Get a heads up on all the rest and start with this. Maybe then you'll know that the Octopus wasn't ever shown except for his distinctive gloves. We never saw his face (sorry, Samuel).


Some Blog Love:

Julie Evans

Not Paper

Irina Troitskaya

Thanks to Dear Ada for the info on the artists above.

More Blog Love:

Stuart Kolakovic


Upcoming events at Meltdown Comics in L.A. to take note of:

Mark Evanier signing Kirby: King of Comics on June 7th.

Ralph Bakshi signing Unfiltered: The Complete Bakshi on June 14th.


Anonymous said…
Kelly... I soooo wish I could've been there to see, but thanks so much for sharing your pix! Love seeing the artwork! Can't hardly wait 'til "The Spirit" comes out... (doing the happy dance). I'm such a comic geek, but by far NOT the worst. :)


(posting as anon b/c the stupid interface won't recognize my "old" blogger login... sheesh!)