Journal pages-

I hope that everyone's been having a nice weekend. I taught on Saturday at Janet's house. We had a ton of fun and made not one, but TWO two needle coptic books. Good group!
Sunday, Tristan and I got up early to make the $6 9:45 a.m. showing of Indiana Jones & The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull at Century City's AMC theater. The movie was "good" (not bad, but not great). The acting was's just that the story line wasn't the best and it made a better sequel to Close Encounters then the Indiana Jones series.
I've been trying to finish up a sample for my new class called "The Storyteller". It's a journal form I've never taught in a class before but one I think you will all be very excited about. We'll also be exploring (hands on, diving right in) new collage and mixed media techniques. I'm loving the size and format of the book (and I hope you will too!). I hope to post pictures of it tomorrow on the blog.
I received issue #2 of Lines & Shapes. I really like this little book. It's pricey at $25 an issue, but so far I have been very happy with the issues I've bought. You can see some of the "insides" of each book on their site. I suggest looking through it though as it's not something everyone who reads this blog will enjoy (but I love it!!) I get a lot of inspiration and ideas from books like these.
I also received my three "Paumes" books that I ordered from Japan. WOW! I think some of you know that I collect and treasure these little books. The ones I ordered this time were the new ones:
If you go to their site and click on "book", you will see more pictures, etc...
The one thing you need to realize is that the books are not in English. They are in Japanese (sometimes they are in Japanese AND French). I just love looking at the pictures in each one.
With the rapid decline of the U.S. dollar, the shipping cost was high ($20 to ship all 3). It was about the same cost to buy them through Kinokuniya in the States. Again, not something everyone will enjoy, but I adore them!!
I have three workshops coming up this week. If you're interested in learning the 2 needle coptic stitch book, sign up now! I have new classes that I'm eager to debut and won't be teaching this one again for awhile :)
Wed night, May 28th Stampin from the Heart 2 needle coptic 6:30 to 8:30 310 391 0466
I hope that everyone's been having a nice weekend. I taught on Saturday at Janet's house. We had a ton of fun and made not one, but TWO two needle coptic books. Good group!
Sunday, Tristan and I got up early to make the $6 9:45 a.m. showing of Indiana Jones & The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull at Century City's AMC theater. The movie was "good" (not bad, but not great). The acting was's just that the story line wasn't the best and it made a better sequel to Close Encounters then the Indiana Jones series.
I've been trying to finish up a sample for my new class called "The Storyteller". It's a journal form I've never taught in a class before but one I think you will all be very excited about. We'll also be exploring (hands on, diving right in) new collage and mixed media techniques. I'm loving the size and format of the book (and I hope you will too!). I hope to post pictures of it tomorrow on the blog.
I received issue #2 of Lines & Shapes. I really like this little book. It's pricey at $25 an issue, but so far I have been very happy with the issues I've bought. You can see some of the "insides" of each book on their site. I suggest looking through it though as it's not something everyone who reads this blog will enjoy (but I love it!!) I get a lot of inspiration and ideas from books like these.
I also received my three "Paumes" books that I ordered from Japan. WOW! I think some of you know that I collect and treasure these little books. The ones I ordered this time were the new ones:
If you go to their site and click on "book", you will see more pictures, etc...
The one thing you need to realize is that the books are not in English. They are in Japanese (sometimes they are in Japanese AND French). I just love looking at the pictures in each one.
With the rapid decline of the U.S. dollar, the shipping cost was high ($20 to ship all 3). It was about the same cost to buy them through Kinokuniya in the States. Again, not something everyone will enjoy, but I adore them!!
I have three workshops coming up this week. If you're interested in learning the 2 needle coptic stitch book, sign up now! I have new classes that I'm eager to debut and won't be teaching this one again for awhile :)
Wed night, May 28th Stampin from the Heart 2 needle coptic 6:30 to 8:30 310 391 0466
Sun June 1st Zinnia So. Pasadena Fukoro Toji 626 441 2181
To sign up, please phone the store. Questions? Please drop me an email. :)