Blog post for Saturday (as I'm teaching during the day so here's Saturday's post, Friday night at 8:30 ;)):

Journal pages from the other night-
So, last Sunday when I was teaching at Frenzy Stamper, Dawn asked me a good question. How do I Unblock the Block, or how do I get rid of creative block? Here's the thing-I don't get creative block. I play. Every day I do something creative. If I don't like what I do, I do something else. If I don't like the stuff I pasted down, I paint over it. If I don't like what I painted, I paint or glue over it. The secret is to PLAY. Every day, do something. Find something you like, do it. Figure out how many different ways that there is to do something-stay on your toes. Stay fresh.

I started the two pages above by PLAYING. I dug into my big deep bag o' collage goodies (actually a one gallon ziploc bag I filled with the stuff I bought from One Good Bumblebee). Using my handy, dandy glue stick and a ruler (to snip off any unwanted edges), I tore the papers into squares and rectangles and glued 'em all over the pages (this is NOT a two page spread but two separate pages). I loved the look of the pages before I even added "focal images". Then I fussed and hemmed and hawwed about which focal images to add. I held up various ones. The mushrooms fit perfectly right away. I dug through the bag finding 3 of them and finding the mushroom "Tally" card. The stickers were an after thought. On the bird page, I started with the birds and glued them down right away (of course, why wait?!? LOL) which of course, presented me with a zillion problems to solve afterwards. I dug out my pens and my stickers and said "what else can I use to bring these pages together?" Use what and where? By PLAYING on the pages with papers like this and just messing around with color and line and trying to figure out HOW to present the pages, I keep myself active and aware of "how can I do this?!?!". It's fun to problem solve as an artist. It really does keep you on your toes.

Oh, the other thing I do is this-I don't tear anything out. Lots of artists/teachers will tell you to tear it out if you don't like it. I don't. I figure that in my journal there are pages-lots of pages. For every one "good" page there are several I'm on the fence about. Your "bad" and your "good" pages show your progress and your struggle. They're just as much a part of your journal and of you...Keep 'em in there. Not everything you do has to be perfect. Art is a learning experience...and it's fun.

So, go dig out a bunch of that special collage stuff you've been hoarding, I mean saving, and USE it. Open up your journal and start by ripping, tearing. Hold papers against papers-figure out if you like the colors or the patterns. Move stuff around on the page BEFORE you glue. Glue stuff down and then figure where do you go from there. Ask questions. Walk away from the page. Go back to it. Paint over it. PLAY. Don't be afraid to make a mess. And, pat yourself on the back every now and then, hold up your page and say "I Made This."


Anonymous said…
My eyes light up whenever I see pages so colorful like these...I love your papers- LOVE them (if I were paper, I would marry them).

Are those soufle pens? The turquoise?
Ruth Rae said…
its easy for us to become uptight and forget to breath, smile and have fun!
thank you Kelly for reminding us to play!
Christine Drevo said…
Kelly, you are so right if you continue to play and experiment with papers, paint and collage it's hard to get stuck! But sometimes it helps to go out and buy something new or something hot to spice things up!!

i just love the way your assemble your papers and you always have the cutest focal points and collage papers. Where in the heck did you find the mushrooms and lotus flower?

Keep on inspiring us!!!

Kelly Kilmer said…
The turquoise is a souffle pen :)

The mushrooms were in a collage pack from One Good Bumblebee. The lotus flower?? Which flower are you talking about? The one that on the first page in this post to the bottom left? That's a sticker from American Crafts Co. (bought at Paper Studio). I stuck it onto paper, cut it out and glued it on. :)

Barbara Hagerty said…
Ok Kelly! You've answered a nagging question of mine! I don't get blocked, either. I never understood why--why I dont, why others do. I actually felt weird, like maybe I wasn't real because I'm never blocked. But I've PLAYED with art all my life. What I do now might look different from what I did when I was three, but it FEELS exactly the same! Now I know why, and it's not weird, or inauthentic, I just PLAY!!! Thanks...This post has done more than a dozen shrinks might have tried to do!!

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