AMAZING books in the mail:

Yesterday was another great mail day!! I received Dorit Elisha's GORGEOUS 67 page book. What I love about the book (in addition to the FULL COLOR artwork spread across its pages) is that Dorit tells her story. Sprinkled throughout the pages are Dorit's musings on her life as an artist-what inspires her, her favorite tool, etc... I also love the size-I can take it with me (which I will be doing for a while!!!) It's eye candy for sure but eye candy with a backbone! I highly recommend this for your shelf. It will appeal to mixed media artists of all kinds-fabric, assemblage, paper, paint and beyond!!! Check out Dorit's blog for more full color pictures and info on how to order the book.

The next book is massive in size 11 x 17", a true coffee table book. It's LULU by Lulu De Kwiatkowsi. (More pictures of it here). I debated on whether or not to order this before seeing it. It is a $100 book. Amazon has it for $63 and I had a $25 gift certificate so for $38, I needed it.
I'm SO happy that I ordered it. When it arrived yesterday, I was overwhelmed with work but I sat down to flip through the pages. WOW. The pages are HUGE and FULL eye popping color that you just want to wrap yourselves in. Lulu has been called the "female Peter Beard". The woman stands on her OWN. Her artwork is lush and unique. I sat in bed last night with the book on my lap, thoroughly enjoying the artwork, and thinking how happy I was that I ordered the book. My only beef with it is the size, I'm not used to books THIS big. I won't be able to carry it around with me and I do like toting books around...this one will just live at home!
The last book is one I don't have but it high on my wish list, Gary Panter's massive 700 page tome that documents his artwork (yes, you know him from his design work on Pee Wee's Playhouse). I will be saving my pennies for this one. You can see more pictures here and here.

Speaking of ULTRA cool books, I was invited to be a "cover girl" for an alphabet swap hosted by the amazing Jane Eileen (thank you Jane for hostessing). WOW-the pages are AMAZING!!!! You can see photos of it here on Jane's ultra talented daughter, Jeane Frizzell's blog. While you are scoping out Jeane's luscious artwork, make sure you read her post on her tissue paper discovery technique-THE way to glue down tissue paper!!! Woo hoo!!!!! Even teachers learn something new in a class ;)

I took Tristan to see IRON MAN yesterday. I wasn't expecting much and was I ever surprised!! I LOVED The film! Robert Downey, Jr. was PERFECT as Tony Stark. Another great casting pick (like Tobey as Spiderman and Christian as Batman). Last summer there really weren't too many films for us to pick from...this summer it's total feast. Tristan is making me nuts counting down the days til Indiana Jones. You'll know where to find us this summer:

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Kung Fu Panda

The Incredible Hulk


Hell-boy II

The Dark Knight

Step Brothers

What can I say? I have an 11 year old...


Shoshanah said…
dorit is such a sweet lady, of COURSE i had to go buy her book! i had totally forgotten that we are practically neighbors. i should meet up with her one day instead of waiting for art unraveled... : )
sf said…
I don't even have an 11 year old and these movie are on my TO SEE list.

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