This is the post that happens when Kelly is too tired to post her own stuff and wants to make sure that others see all the COOL stuff happening in blog land...Besides, Kelly gets bored looking at her own stuff on her blog all the time so here are some other fun things out there that have me tickled pink!

Per Eddie Campbell's Blog...This is the cutest thing ever!

Andrew's posts about his trip to Artfest are definitely worth spending some time on!

Judy, you never cease to amaze me!

I always check out Katie's blog but I love her recent rock Amazing what others "see".

I love his art and damn, his dog is cute!

I love this blog but the cat on a leash picture has stuck with me. If you put a leash on my sister's fat cat, it just falls over and will not move until you take the leash off.'s called Cat Tipping. Fat lazy bastard Cat! There was a story at one point about a cat who would take the bus (and get off and on at certain stops). Erin & I had a discussion that her cat was too lazy to even walk it's ass down the stairs, let alone to the bus stop...

Moleskine love!

Jeane got *me* into trouble this time pointing out NEW goodies from one of my favorite etsyelephant stickers and just exploded from there. Who KNEW they made ninja stickers like this? Seriously. I *love* this seller. Look at her BLOG too. Yum. I need to add this to my blog.

Words cannot express how much I Love this blog.

OK, off to relax. We were up way too late last night laughing our asses off while watching Bananas. After all, its scenes like this that just have me rolling. I need to find Annie Hall on DVD...I *heart* Christopher Walken (probably one of my favorite scenes!)


Apple said…
Thank you. My birthday was fun!!
Judy Wise said…
OMG, John and I just spent 45 minutes laughing our heads off watching the more cowbell routines after the Annie Hall scene! Sheesh I love me some Christopher Walken. You always send me somewhere good - thanks!!