Second post of the day-
I'm totally in love...Had to do a couple of errands @ the Grove today and wandered into Barnes & Noble. I found THIS book, Riceboy Sleeps, in the PHOTOGRAPHY section. (And, yes, it was wrapped in plastic, but I opened it and *gasped* when I saw it.) I love this book. Love love love love. I want to put it under my pillow and make a wish on it.

You can see inside pages here. Hauntingly beautiful doesn't even begin to describe it. The book is a compilation of original artwork by Jon Thor Birgisson (of the Icelandic Band, Sigur Ros) and Alex Somers.
Riceboy Sleeps website here and myspace here.

I have to get myself over to Amoeba and look for some of their CDs sometime soon!!

In the meantime, make sure you check out one of the Sigur Ros videos-I *love* this!!!


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