Journal page from yesterday...

Pictures of the bookshelf space that I promised. All of the books above and the first half below (From the left hand side all the way the mammoth book called "Place") went from being on the floor near my bed to the bookshelf. To the left of the stack of Lynda Barry & Japanese art books, wrapped in plastic are my Juliana Coles booklets/kits. I LOVE her kits. She put more of them on etsy last night for sale. Yes, I did order 4 more last night including the All For Love booklet that I am very excited she decided to offer that one!!

Last night we went for a walk to Barnes & Noble (armed with our 25% off coupons). Would you believe I was the only one who didn't get anything? Tristan greeted me at one point not with one but with FOUR Indiana Jones books in his hand (he got one). Husband greeted me with a copy of The Ten Cent Plague...we also wanted to get the new Bakshi book (you NEED to check out this book-I love the art in it!!) but decided we only had so many precious pennies (and so much bookshelf space! LOL). While we were on our walk, we found some neat posters on Melrose. My favorite is the one above which has a message scrawled across the top of it: "Why is this painting here? What is it supposed to express?"
Many of you know that in a couple of weeks I will be teaching at Frenzy Studio in Scottsdale. I am very much looking forward to it!! Whenever I go to AZ, not only do I visit Debbie's store (I love love love her selection. She always has the latest and greatest...not to mention she is just one of the funniest people to be around!), but I also trek on over to Tempe and visit The Paper Studio. If you want paper, this is THE place. Hands down. It beats every other paper store I have *ever* been to (and I have been to a LOT).
Unfortunately, the Paper Studio recently experienced a break in where not only cash was stolen, a security system damaged and break in damage done, but also two of their computers were stolen. TWO. These computers held all of their artwork, photos, classes, fonts, graphics, etc... All gone. Cindy is encouraging people to back up their artwork AND to look into offsite storage places to hold your computer info. (David and I learned the hard way ourselves a couple of years ago when our computer blew up. I lost all of my stuff. We now have a safety deposit box that holds our back up backups!) I can tell you how lost you feel when your information that was so easily at your fingertips the previous morning, is now gone-and you can't get it back. On top of that, Cindy and Gary also learned that they did not have a "theft rider" on their insurance policy so that means they are out not only the computer work and information but also over $12,000.
You guys know how much I love and support Mom & Pop businesses and how I think they rival all other ways to shop! Now is the time to show your support for THE best paper stores around! Not only do I visit their shop but, I have ordered online from Paper Studio in the past and they are *wonderful*!! They ship all over the place. I'm serious when I say they have the *best* paper selection they are just some of the nicest folks I have met in my travels!! Check 'em out online here (and tell your friends!!) Just make sure you leave a little bit for me when I head that way in early May. :)
Unfortunately, the Paper Studio recently experienced a break in where not only cash was stolen, a security system damaged and break in damage done, but also two of their computers were stolen. TWO. These computers held all of their artwork, photos, classes, fonts, graphics, etc... All gone. Cindy is encouraging people to back up their artwork AND to look into offsite storage places to hold your computer info. (David and I learned the hard way ourselves a couple of years ago when our computer blew up. I lost all of my stuff. We now have a safety deposit box that holds our back up backups!) I can tell you how lost you feel when your information that was so easily at your fingertips the previous morning, is now gone-and you can't get it back. On top of that, Cindy and Gary also learned that they did not have a "theft rider" on their insurance policy so that means they are out not only the computer work and information but also over $12,000.
You guys know how much I love and support Mom & Pop businesses and how I think they rival all other ways to shop! Now is the time to show your support for THE best paper stores around! Not only do I visit their shop but, I have ordered online from Paper Studio in the past and they are *wonderful*!! They ship all over the place. I'm serious when I say they have the *best* paper selection they are just some of the nicest folks I have met in my travels!! Check 'em out online here (and tell your friends!!) Just make sure you leave a little bit for me when I head that way in early May. :)