Guess what?!? There are brand spankin' NEW stencils available from Coffee Break Design!! Woo hoo! I can't wait to see these puppies in the stores!

This is what I have:
#39-wheelchair sign
44 old lady with her right arm raised
45 boy with both arms raised
46 girl with both arms raised
47 dancing girl or girl pointing up
48 woman who looks like she is either dancing or spying
49 girl sideways looking like she is going to either karate chop you or clap her hands
50 suave Reservoir Dogs style guy standing
52 two heads side profile
53 cool sphere and circle
54 paint splatter (or blood or coffee or ?)
55 Roswell Alien
56 ant (BIG ass ant!)
Books I found at the used bookstore yesterday. I love finding copies of books if they are cheap enough that I can afford to get one in hardcover and one in paperback (one to save, one to use-woo hoo!). I bought three Dick & Jane books. I found Lynda Barry's The Good Times are Killing Me, too. Woo hoo! I also found a kids' bird book for a $1. Can't beat that.
I also finally got my copy of Lines & Shapes. It's cool, but pricey at $25.

Still waiting for my tape order from Pennsylvania. My tape from Japan arrived faster than that stuff!!

Um, is this really true? Are they making these stamps available again? If so, I pre-ordered! Don't hold me to it though!!!


Anonymous said…
Kelly... WHERE WHERE WHERE does one find the Coffee Break Designs stencils. I got several from the some time ago, but can't find a retail place to get more.... ideas???
Have you seen the Mermaid stencil or the Disco Girls?
They are amazing, I binged on a bunch of new stencils yesterday at Frenzy!
Shoshanah said…
ok, where did you get them!?! i looked on their site and can finally find an order form, but these aren't on it! grrr...
Anonymous said…
What!? You mean there's more designs?????? I picked up some new ones at Frenzy last week. Shall we ask Debbie to get new ones for your May workshops?

Have you seen the new Glimmer Mist Stencil set? I think it's a ten pack for about $20 that I picked up at Creative Quest on Sat.

Besides ordering online, where can I buy the Lines and Shapes book?

forcryeye said…
How do you find such cool stuff? I was so happy to see Coffee Break Designs finally has a site...I guess it is not working right, but I used to order from them all of the time and I am so excited to use these stencils!!!!

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