Did I ever tell you I was a dancer?...for an extremely short period of time when I was little. I don't remember much other then the costumes; someone (Mom probably) putting the things in my hair and on my head; the long walk up the dark, weird stairs at the dance studio (feeling so small); Aunt Sis' flower baskets (still love those); and not liking to get on stage in front of so many people...My sister did dancing too-Irish step.
Yesterday, I accompanied Tristan's class on a field trip to the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion in downtown LA for the Blue Ribbon Children's Festival (a special free event for 5th graders in L.A.) where we saw an astounding live performance by BodyVox. The kids LOVED it. I loved it! The boy sitting next to me, when it was over, stood up and asked the teacher, "WOW! I wonder if there's a DVD of that!" I would most definitely go to see a performance by BodyVox again. They were amazing! The show opens with a man getting ready to take a bath. He slips and bangs his head on the tub and begins to dream...working between film footage and unique progressive dance on stage ,the performance then segues into a "kaleidoscope" scene with the dancers on the floor and a "mirror" image (a la Busby Berkeley). The theme of the ocean and water ran fluently and perfectly throughout the performance keeping the kids (and me) totally enthralled and delighted. Each segment was totally unique and very different (yet just as riveting) as the previous performance. I won't give away the whole thing, but I will tell you I was riveted and didn't see too many kids fidgeting at all. In fact, the kids were whooping it up and clapping! I'd LOVE to go again! I wish the city would put offer more events like this on a regular basis to educate children (and adults) about all of the various art forms and opportunities out there.

I love Gore Vidal. I wish I had known about the event with him yesterday, but at least I can hear the discussion here. A favorite quote from Vidal: "Democracy is supposed to give you the feeling of choice, like Painkiller X and Painkiller Y. But they're both just aspirin."

I received a great little zine in the mail the other day, along with a mini canvas that I also ordered from the artist, Erin Partridge. The zine is tiny and perfect for carrying in your bag on your travels for a little visual delight here and there. The canvas is propped up above my head and makes me smile every time I take a glimpse.


Anonymous said…
That show sounds wonderful.

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