Cleaning house time...

Cleaning time in the Kilmer house! We overheard the building manager tell another tenant today something about possible renovations (eek! we don't want them done while we are HERE it would make life impossible)...So, it got the wheels turning and a fire lit. I need to clean house on some of my stamps. I'm offering "stamp grab bags". NO cute. NOTHING but Artsy stamps. You will receive an assortment (sorry, my pick!) All stamps are wood mounted. Some stamps are used but ALL are in excellent stamping condition (I'm not selling anything that won't stamp!)

You will receive at least 10 stamps of assorted sizes for $45 (includes flat rate priority shipping). If you order two or more, the price is $85, three or more the price would be $125. The grab bag value will be well $75+ worth of stamps!! I guarantee you won't be disappointed! These are all stamps from my personal collection. If you have "requests" for various subject or style, I will do my best to accommodate you. :) Paypal, check or money order, please. These are very limited!!

Outside of the US, please email me to discuss postage.

Thanks for your time!!!


The little witch said…
Hi. I'm a regular reader of your blog and would love to get a grab bag. I live in Norway so I would need to email you about postage, but I can't seem to find you email. I can pay by paypal. ^_^

Have wonderful day!

Tara's Art Camp said…
Do you have any zettiology stamps in there????
Anonymous said…
Kelly, I love your arrangement of stamps! I'm partial to birds and I just about flipped at my desk while at work when I saw them! Can you imagine what students would have thought if they saw that actually happen? Wait. I did salivate a little but I was very careful not to let the children see. LOL!! I will be emailing you about those grab bags. The stamp section of my brain is hollering to GET THEM NOW!
Kelly Kilmer said…
Hi Tara,
No Zetti sorry!
Anonymous said…
oh lovely, so i don't read your blog for ONE night and you run out of stamps!!! (like i need more stamps...)
Apple said…
I am loving your collection of stamps...I think I drooled a little...
Lyn said…
One bag of stamps for me. Leave word how to pay for them.
