3 journal pages last night (finished! Yes! Got my groove on last night...)
Yesterday was comic book day so we trekked on up to Meltdown comics where I found two books (ack!):

Their website with more art here.
Last night at 10 pm, I had the urge to "clean" and put books away (you know, the ones that we all have stacked next to our bed)...I am cleaning cleaning cleaning and next thing I know it's midnight! Eeps! I will show pictures of my bookshelf space "revised" when I'm done. Suddenly there is much more room next to the bed for new books. LOL!!
Happy Birthday to my Dad today!!!

ya gotta love groovy 70's & extremely early 80's photos:

(Any of you Bostonians know WHERE this picture was taken?!?!) First person with the right answer wins a prize (just a little somethin' somethin'...). (Erin-you can't play! Isn't my little sister so cute in this picture??)
*Ding* thanks to Roberta for playing! Castle Island is CORRECT. :)
I really have no clue where you are but I'll guess Kelly's in South Boston. Carson Beach, maybe?
Happy Birthday Kelly's Dad!!! <3
Kelly: You must take a look at this book: All Wrapped Up! Buy 2 -- one to cut up, and one to drool over!!! I LOVE this book! I have it on my Amazon Wish List.
My sister and I are 2 1/2 years apart. Judging from how young she looks, I'd say I'm about 6 or 7.
It's not Carson beach but you are very close... ;)
Very very close!
i got my copy from the library of the book you recommended Principles of Uncertainty and knew within a minute I had to have my own copy which i now do. LOVE that book, so happy you turned me on to it!
My final guess since I am not at all familiar with the area would be Castle island. Where ever it is it looks like it was a beautiful, fun family day.
Castle Island it is!!! :) (I said you were close and was going to give you the giftie ;) )
Thank you for playing! Ding!