Shoshanah asked me to spill my pen bag. So, for her, I will! Tasha & her Wonderpup Jazmin had me ponder the question-how do you hold your pens?

Is it a bag like this?

Those aren't a quarter of the pens that I have...but they are the ones I use on a regular basis. They are what fit in the bag. Notice the duplicates. Heaven forbid, the ink runs out in one (or even 3) of them!

Look! I even found a fortune in the bag:
So here is my question to YOU: How do you store your pens? Those of you out there in blogland, please spill! Show us your pens! Show us photos of WHERE you store your pens. *Please*. Add your links on the comments form. Come on, don't be shy. Let's see your pens (and their pen homes) in all their glory!


On a side note, Sbcglobal Tech Support Sucks! I had gone through and checked my settings and filters and all that (except for ONE-which you will soon hear about) before I emailed and then subsequently phoned them about. So, I spent 30 minutes in a useless online forum trying to figure out WHY I Was not getting some of my email (and why some people were not getting MY Email). They recommended calling and speaking to a "live person" (um, ok, was the tech support person I spoke to dead? Or worse, LIVING DEAD?). Any ways, I did. I was directed to someone on a Magic Carpet in a Land Far Far Away. I spent almost an hour on the phone with him. He kept telling me (towards the end of the conversation) that if I had problems in the future I could look for a little white van at the bottom of my page (White Van? I asked him several people with straight jackets in white vans? What?) Needless to say, that was a total waste of time (duh).

Hubby finally sat down and looked at my email settings. They were fine-but what was this list of blocked email addresses? Kara's email. My sister's email? WTF? I never blocked ANYONE'S Email. What I couldn't figure out was that I know for a fact, that my friends Alix and Elyce's emails were not getting through either 100% of the time and they were not blocked? It was the spam filter! It was a problem on THEIR end as no one here changed the settings to block email addresses like that. As usual tech support suggests the problem is on MY end and will do nothing to fix it. Their first response was "There's nothing wrong with your email." They never mentioned the spam filter. They never ever said "Check your blocked email list 'cause we blocked your friends and family from ever contacting you again-insert evil laugh here..."

Any ways, hopefully it is now fixed. Moral of the story: Don't call tech support. DIY.


Jeane Frizzell said…
I'd love to share my pen collection. You can see it at:
&rew said…
Hello! My inefficient pen storage methods can be seen in my blog:

Anonymous said…
OMG!! You use the Chalk Ink Pens. They are so Coooool, but $$pensive!
I also have waaaaay tooo many pens, and like you I am afraid they will run out!!
Taylor schapiro said…
Love the bag
Carmen said…
Color me jealous of all of your pens! Wow! My great pens always come up missing and I tend to find them in the art supplies of my 6 year old.

Love the bag too!
My pen corral photographed too... you always inspire me Kelly!! You are the best!

I am off in search of the perfect black pen...!

Tara's Art Camp said…
I'm having problems with yahoo all of a sudden, putting legitimate emails in my bulk folder. Lots of emails later to customer support, the problem is still not fixed.
Kelly Kilmer said…

Customer service/Tech Support won't help!!

I found out that there were email addresses blocked (ones I did NOT block). So, I deleted all of the "blocked ones". Then, I reset my spam filter. I have it off right now trying to re-adjust emails to hopefully get them where I am getting everyone's email again. told me that there was nothing wrong on my end and they never EVER once mentioned the possibilities of blocked emails or the words: SPAM FILTER. They asked me stupid stuff like did I look in my bulk folder? Could I sign in and out of email? Could I send/receive emails to myself. ARGH. It was Tech Support HELL.
emhowl said…
From your pen experience, do you think pens should be stored flat or upright?
Kelly Kilmer said…
Hi Elizabeth,

My pens are usually flat. I had a big container of pens that were all stored upright. I didn't use them for a long time and they're all dried up now.
emhowl said…
Thanks Kelly, that's the way I was thinking. I shall abandon my few remaining old mugs.

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