Journal page from last night-I started this one but haven't finished it yet-

We had spent most of the past week in the house, doing errands and work, so yesterday it was time to go OUT. First stop was Sweetpeas & Snapshots where I picked up the latest Somerset Life. Next stop was Gene de Chene, a favorite bookstore of mine where I got: The Thirteenth Tale (Gina recommended it to me a long time ago), several photographs, The Bumper Book, Golden Book of Mother Goose, At the Pool of Wonder, Soul Cards 2, Tricia Guild's White Hot. Phew! I *heart* used bookstores!!!

Next stop was Alias in West L.A. (didn't find anything). We then trekked on over to Brentwood to visit Dutton's. They still have lots in stock but the store is starting to look picked over. :( I HATE when bookstores close. It's very, very sad. I did buy two books that I was very excited to see. The first was Let Me Stand Alone: The Journals of Rachel Corrie. The second was My House illustrated by Delphine Durand (who also has a new book out!). Also stopped at Borders where I bought the latest Book Arts issue of FiberArts. Last stop was Book Soup looking for Lulu (sometimes book stores put the books on the shelves earlier then they are supposed to...) No luck. One book that I did not buy (though I would have if I had had the money!) was Phil Frost's new book. YUM. I Love his artwork.

Tomorrow (Sunday) I am teaching my "Inspired" workshop at The Art Bar. Please note the start time of the class is 10:30. Looking forward to it!


BellaKarma said…
"We Share So Much" is one of my all-time favorite journal pages from you!!! I LOVE IT!!!!
Carmen said…
Wow!!! This journal page is phenomenal! The hands jump out and make such a powerful statement on the page. Love it!!!


marissa said…
I love the bird. Is that a rub on? Do you remember who makes it?
Kelly Kilmer said…
Magenta makes them! They're stickers! :)