I will be gone all day tomorrow, trekking down to Stamp Addict in San Diego and teaching a workshop! Looking forward to it!! So, here's my "Saturday" blog post (yes, I know it's Friday night):

Spent some time this afternoon at Shane's Inspiration in Griffith Park:Tristan had been asking all week to go here (after being sick for two weeks), so we hopped in the car with his scooter in the trunk and off we went! After the "congestion" in the bike/scooter area, he decided to go play with the digger thing that he loves (as do most of the kids in the park it seems as there is always a line for it! :) ):
Lots of eye candy and inspiration in Griffith Park not only for the kids but for us goofy artists too, those of us who love looking at the texture on trees and the ground:

David & me-


Where's Les Perry? Where's the Great Kahuna? It's Friday night and he ain't on the radio...what's going on??


Another person (a 17 year old boy) killed by a taser.


Dr. James Hansen on today's Democracy Now.
