Happy Mail Art Day yesterday! Even Tristan was a happy camper as his Brickmaster (Lego) toy was in the mailbox. (David was happy though he didn't get anything in the mail he did get a new thing at Bestbuy-a new monitor. His eyes are thanking him today!!)

Part 2 of my Juliana Coles etsy order arrived! Yay! I ordered all of the class booklets she had on her etsy site that I was missing. Her booklets are like little zines, or little pieces of art in and of themselves. Juliana is one of my most favorite artists. Check out the postcard too! (I have been collecting her postcards for several years. I'm a firm believer in supporting artists as much as possible!
I love her self portraits. The expression. The feel. The look that leaves you wondering "What the hell is she thinking?"
Oh, look! More mail in the box: my zine order from Pod Post arrived! YAY!!!!!! Did you see me doing the happy dance in the middle of the street yesterday? Woo hoo!!!! ZINES! I *heart* zines especially ones like these. I ordered all of them and devoured them while Tristan was at the dentist's office yesterday. I highly recommend them!! Not only are they fun to read but the *art*! Oh, the art! I *heart* collages, found paper, rubber stamps, mail art, ephemera-all things that are near and dear to my heart. If you love treasures like the ones I just mentioned, you'll love the zines, too! Tell Mr. Crumpus I sent ya ;)

Part 4 of Tristan's Most Excellent Dentist Adventure was yesterday. They did sealants on his teeth. The dentist told me he had excellent teeth and they looked great (unlike evil dentist the previous time who called him a "liar" when he said he didn't brush his teeth. Um, yeah, we both brush our teeth every night at the same time getting ready for bed. *I* made the mistake of not having him brush his teeth before his "cleaning" being in a hurry picking him up at school and schlepping to West Hollywood to Lincoln Heights for his dentist appointment). Any ways, the funny thing was that the dentist and her assistant were arguing over the color of Tristan's eyes (one said grey...the other said blue...Tristan and I have the same color eyes-blue). At one point, the dentist looked at the assistant and said "Ask him"...then they realized he had his mouth full of dental equipment. LOL!!!!! Too funny. Part 5 is coming soon. Then the Great Orthodontist Adventure begins next week!

On a more serious note-
Please keep my good friend Lillian in your thoughts and prayers. She needs them right now and I'd appreciate it.


marissa said…
Hi Kelly, I just ordered the same zines. I also ordered the workbooks from Juliana Coles. I cannot wait for them to come! Have a great day!
&rew said…
H have had one dentist assistant asked me how I was feeling when my mouth was stuffed with cotton after my two baby teeth were pulled. A little piece broke off one of them, and it was left there. It managed to get itself out of the gum after 30 years!

I'm hemming and hawing over whether I should order these zines before I clean up the mess in my temporary studio. Shall I wait until I finally reach my goal, or should I get them NOW?? I'm sorry we won't see each other when I arrive in LA this weekend! Have a great weekend.

Lillian is now in my prayers.

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