Goin' Postal: Mixed Media Mail Art Postcards-

I love receiving mail and I know I’m not the only one. I’m not talking about bills! I’m talking about layered postcards covered in rich, luscious slathers of acrylic and paper ephemera. I’ve done numerous workshops on mixed media postcards before, but this is a brand new one! I love the feel of making a totally unique piece of art, addressing it to a friend (or myself!) and dropping it in the mailbox. I guarantee you will too after this class!

Supply list- Students should, please, bring to class: Scissors, cork backed metal ruler, 3 1" bristle brushes to paint and glue with, container to hold water, small selection of collage ephemera to use, roll of waxed paper, roll of paper towels. Questions? Please email Kelly

I'll be teaching this locally (so far) in June at Stampin From The Heart in L.A. 310 391 0466, Wed June 25th. I don't have it scheduled locally elsewhere *yet*.
I will also be teaching it at Frenzy Stamper in Scottsdale in May (the 2nd-4th) and at Stampers Warehouse in June the weekend of Father's Day

And a Very Happy St. Patrick's Day to you, too! It's also Evacuation Day in Boston.


"We should be inspired by people... who show that human beings can be kind, brave, generous, beautiful, strong-even in the most difficult circumstances."-Rachel Corrie

Also spent a lot of time the last few days thinking about Rachel Corrie and her death 5 years ago yesterday.


Anonymous said…
Love the cards, Kelly! What a treat it would be to get one in the mail! Paula
Anonymous said…
OK, another must take class...I'll mark this in my calendar!
Anonymous said…
those postcards are just gorgeous, congratulations!

on a little note, if you like sending/receiving postcards, i recommend you try postcrossing.com :)

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