Another post today? I couldn't resist..and Tristan is home sick so here's something to make you smile:

Laura sent me this Maira Kalman link. One of Laura's daughters (also named Laura) bought her this book...actually Daughter Laura bought the book for several people and gave them out as gifts...Isn't that the coolest? I would love someone to think enough of me that they would give me a gift like this book. Books are my treasures (well, after my family. Family first. Then books.)

I *heart*
Maira Kalman. The Principles of Uncertainty is one of the best books ever.


You need it on your bookshelf.

You should buy one and give it to a friend.

Pass it on.

I love this book.

I have almost all of her books...*almost*.

Out of all of the books that I have recommended and written about on this blog, this is the one that I know ALL of you will love as much as I do.


Laura Bray said…
Hey! The "Lauras" are on your blog! Thanks for the sweet mention and thanks for the book recommendation-I only bought it because you said you liked it.
katie said…
i reserved a copy from the library for a start to get a sneak peek while i let my credit card cool down from all the book purchases i've made this month. i do believe i will need to own my own copy though....

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