More pages in the little book I have been working in:This says "Where are we going if we don't know where we've been?" "If we don't know our own history as a people how can we move forward?"

Did anyone catch the PBS special on Pete Seeger last night? It was excellent and one not to be missed. You can see a lot of his clips on youtube, one of my faves is this one...Poignant and still speaks loudly about what's going on in the world today.

Cracks me up that people always get upset or "shy" away from talking about what some call politics. I tend to call it "life", "real life" especially when it's something that effects all of us-here, there and all over the world. I know I'm going to get a lot of shit for this-I have in the past and don't expect it to be any different in 2008. I've never voted for a democrat. I won't vote republican. For me, there's no difference between the two. I know what all of the candidates stand for. Their voting records speak for themselves. I wrote this man's name on the ballot in the past and if I have to write it in again in the future, I will. I wasn't going to vote this year. I'm sick of it being the same shit with a different name year after year. I agreed 100% with this article on voting from last year. If I'm going to vote, then I want to give my vote to a candidate who I feel speaks for me. I'm not voting for someone just because the Press tells me I only have a choice between Brand X and Brand Z. I do have a choice, just as you do. I've made my decision and I'm going to stand by it and stand by him just as I have in the past. Mr. Nader, you have my vote.


Anonymous said…
Oh how funny.
I always tell my family that I love Ralph and they get their underwear all in a bunch.
Lorraine said…
Someone made it a point to tell me my vote "didn't count" and I "split the vote" by not voting for a major candidate.

I kept insisting it was MY vote and it counted TO ME AND IT SENT A MESSAGE!!! So there!

I still think that.

tgarrett said…
I love that you are so out there Kelly! Thank you so much- Did you see the documentary on Ralph- I saw it on PBS sometime back- that's when the democrats showed they are no different than the rest and I also lost respect for Roger Moore after that! And yes Kelly- politics does touch our lives for better or for worse- you rock
BellaKarma said…
Hi Kelly,

Mars and I watched the Pete Seeger special. Loved the part when the woman went up and spoke to him at Washington Square Park!

Thanks for calling politics "real life!" I finally had the guts to write I don't understand the appeal of Barack Obama, and I am not ashamed to admit it! In fact, if Hillary doesn't win the nomination, I am NOT voting; if I did, my vote wouldn't mean anything to me.