I have very good friends, indeed!

It was a great mail weekend...First off was an amazing package from my friend, Roseann. Roseann's been super busy and I haven't seen her in what seems like ages. She mailed my birthday and Christmas presents to me...it felt like Christmas on Friday!! Look what she sent me:

From the Folk Tree in Pasadena (I love that store!!):And LOOK at the most exquisite Frida box!! I LOVE the box Roseann, absolutely LOVE it. You did a fabulous job. You can see another picture of it here. Roseann is one of my favorite artists. If you haven't checked out her blog, you need to.

Next up was a big heavy box from Andrew! Andrew sure knows my taste in paper!! I LOVED all of the wallpaper samples that he sent me. Amazing colors and designs. I can't wait to use them in my books. Huge thanks for a wonderful package, Andrew!!! Make sure you do NOT miss his journal page post here.
My sweet friend Kara gifted me with several luscious papers from the LA Gift Show. Kara, you spoiled me!! LOVE the papers-thanks!! :) If Kara had a blog, I'd be pointing you in her direction. Her art is just completely unique and I always love when she shares it with me!! She's another good friend :)
Last, but not least, I received a HEAVY package from Christine in AZ. I don't have pictures of the goodies as Tristan has confiscated the camera for his "Lego Adventure Movie" he has been working on...but I will tell you this-Christine's got taste! YUM! I LOVE the papers and oh oh oh she sent me the cutest painting of a redhead!! I LOVE IT! Christine's another talented artist with a great eye for color! Plus she's got a great sense of humor!!! Thanks Christine!!!

It was a great weekend though I'm a wee bit tired at the moment :)

Off to put my jammies on and RELAX!


ginny said…
You have and find the coolest and best stuff! I love your face class samples.

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