Have you ever eaten ice cream with a fork because you were just too tired to do the dishes?

My husband and I (when we were pen pals) used to have a thing we called Q.F.T. Question for Thought-we'd ask each other simple little questions in our letters...it was a ton of fun. So that's my question for you for the day!

If you eat at Wood Ranch in the Grove, they serve the cutest "make your own sundae" on the kid's menu. I had to snap a picture. My little guy turns 11 on Monday...


Jeane Frizzell said…
Not off of a fork but from large serving spoons, melon ballers, directly from the ice cream scoop, and various other utensils. I couldn't risk using a fork. What if some of the ice cream escaped through the cracks?
Anonymous said…
haha, been there, done that! yummy!!! and even more yummy is the journal which arrived on friday!! sooo cool, thanks again.
Anonymous said…
Wood Ranch... I started eating steak because of them in 04/07.
I hadn't eaten steak since the mid 80's.
They converted me to eating the cow again.
God bless 'em ;)
Judy Wise said…
I can't believe how fast he's changing. Just since I've been reading your blog he has grown so much. What a sweet boy.
BellaKarma said…
Marissa eats ice cream with a fork ... no matter what. If I bring her a spoon, she goes back in the kitchen for a fork. Maybe we could compromise with a spork.
katie said…
what a place - serving do-it-yourself sundies. your son's face shows pure delight - happy 11th birthday to him!
beth said…
whaaah.....i want to order from the kids menu myself and make a sundae...that is TOO cool !!!
Mim said…
I've even eaten cereal out of a coffee cup with no utensils...it takes alot more than that to get me to wash dishes!
I'm glad I found your blog, great images!
Anonymous said…
Never with a fork... you can't scoop it up after you've stir it into a thick soup which is the way I like it. However, I eat cake with a spoon because cake is always a' la mode so why use two utensils! Happy Birthday to Tristan (and belatedly to you!) BTW- The Glazed and the Snippets classes were a blast! You continue to inspire and enlightened us in your workshops. Can't wait for your Taped Journal class at Zinnias next month!

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