Happy Valentine's Day!!!
I went to the "girlie doctor" yesterday. NOT fun. I swear I always get the sweats and just want to go out and buy myself a big present afterwards (um, which I did. I will write about it when it arrives). Found out that, just like I predicted, my blood pressure would be up. I've never had high blood pressure...but it was 140/90. They even made me lie down for a half an hour. Who can be relaxed and comfortable lying down in a gynecologist's office on one of those half tables surrounded by photos of men and women's genitalia?? I mean, I'm not against naked pictures but can't they have something pretty at least and interesting to look at? Who designs these places? They took it again and it was still high-130/90. Any ways, my doc would only give me 3 months of my pills and I have to go to a regular doctor (which I haven't in years because David and I do not have health insurance) to get a note from the doctor saying it is ok for the gyn to give me b.c. pills. FUN FUN FUN!! I am going to up my exercises and try the natural way that my husband got his blood pressure down-eating an orange, a banana and exercising more daily. I also am trying to drastically reduce my stress level. The last week it has been bonkers-and I told the doc that but she wouldn't listen. SO I told David that I am not going to let anything bother me...I'll just respond with a nice "fuck you and a smile" to anyone that pisses me off and walk away. Yessiree, Bob.
Oh wait. Did I tell you that we got a note last night from the building manager saying that tomorrow (Friday) they are going to be changing all of the locks in the building? There are multiple reasons for that. One of which is that the building manager lost the keys during the inspection. Makes you feel safe and fuzzy, huh? I know this because he came into our apartment twice-once asking for his bag of batteries that he left on my kitchen floor. The second time to ask if we had his keys (ummm, no). Did I also mention that the "inspector" couldn't find her umbrella (I think she had the umbrella on a day that it was 84 and sunny to "poke" and check the smoke detectors with-that's my assumption)? So, she couldn't find her umbrella while it was hanging from her arm. These are the people that conducted the inspection. Yessiree...
Tristan's dentist appointment went well...we found out it was part 2 of many. Next week is his cleaning. They told us we would be back for several weeks that will be filled with:
-sealing his back molars to prevent decay
-flouride treatment
-um something else I can't remember
-and an orthodontist (yay!) will see him
I think I am at my max of grabbags at the moment. I am still behind on emails so if you don't hear from me, please give me a few days to respond. :)
Valentine's Special on Democracy Now-they do a report like this every year...Books (and paper) are ALWAYS better then chocolate and a ZILLION times better then uck, diamonds for me!!!
stress-free, regular blood pressure wishes.
The guy lost the keys?
What a ding dong.