Two new journal pages from this past weekend:

Yup! Painted faces like my "About Face" workshop that I taught today at Stampin' From The Heart in L.A. and had a blast doing so!! What I love about the workshop is that you REALLY see everyone's style and own sense of uniqueness as an artist shine through. Each face takes on it's creator's personality and style. Thanks Ladies for a great class today!!!
On the neighbor front-of course after I write about our "Favorite Neighbor" disappearing, he reappears that night. *sigh*. New Neighbor is still moving stuff around. She has stuff in front of her apartment as well. Lots of noise-typical moving in noise-now and it's 8 p.m. Hopefully it will be quiet when Tristan goes to bed soon.

I finished the Julie Doucet book last night. I had such a hard time putting it down-I LOVED it and am still raving about it. Hopefully she will do another one...please?

I started re-reading The Book of Joe by Vincent Price. I read it about 15 years ago and loved it...I would LOVE to be able to find Price's cookbook. I've been looking for that off and on for about 12 years now...

Oh, and my friend Kara got *me* into trouble so I thought I'd pass along the favor. Karen Michel told me about Jet Pens a couple of years ago but I never ordered from them. I have a hard time ordering online if I can get the goods locally. Well, Kara told me about the Pilot Latte Gel Pens. *shit* A bunch of $$ later, I am eagerly awaiting my new pens. Thanks Kara!! :) (hee hee). Kara showed me her journal that she has been working on and writing with the Pilot Latte Gel Pens. I LOVE them so much that I am tapping my foot waiting for them already though I just placed the order about a whole two minutes ago. (I seem to tap my foot and wait for things a LOT with MY post office. I am STILL waiting for Teesha's journal booklets that I think my mailman is hoarding and reading somewhere...I wouldn't feel so bad if everyone and Mother hadn't said to me "You haven't received yours yet!??! Even mine came AGES ago." *sigh* Damn Post Office.)


Don't forget Bernie!!! 19 days left!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Roseann Cazares said…
I LOVE the new pages! They ROCK!Check your email when you get a chance.
Roseann Cazares said…
LOVE your pages-they ROCK. Check your email when you get a chance.
Dawn D. Sokol said…
Yes, maybe that postal worker who is holding your Teesha journals is holding my CPS...Still haven't received the latest issue...If I don't get it today, I'm e-mailing them...Don't think I'm going to renew my subscription, which is up after the next issue...I'm so tired of this...
lee said…
still waiting for mine from Teesha as well. Love your journal entries.
lklight said…
Jeeze, you suck! Whenever I visit your blog, I end up spending money...just had to try out the gel pens & now I can't wait to get them!
Hope you're having a happy winter.
Anonymous said…
Hi, Kelly,

There are a load of Vincent Price cookbooks on ebay at this very moment. Check it out.

Shoshanah said…
just got my teesha stuff today (but not the journals -- still need to get that).

so kelly, you so suck AGAIN making me buy pens that i didn't know i required!

look forward to seeing you next month! shopping!!!


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