The new journal I made and just started on Saturday:

The cover just calls to the kid in me. I had fun making it...FLIPPED over the packing tape that I found at Office Max (Office Depot?) in Braintree, MA while I was visiting my folks.

Always put your contact info on the inside cover of your journal. Ya just never know what could happen!!
This page didn't go where I wanted it to go, but what can you do?
Two pages just waiting to be finished...
Ah, first day back at school. He wasn't happy. I wasn't happy. I don't like "back to life...back to reality" type things. Poor munchkin. He cried last night and was fighting tears this morning. I think his teacher thinks that these kids are all going to be in the military as she had them marching up and down the stairs again this afternoon as they "weren't quiet enough" going upstairs. *sigh* (as Kelly pounds her head against the desk in utter frustration).

The good news is, Tristan's tooth FINALLY fell out. We have been watching it the last few days as Tristan had been taking every opportunity that he could to:

A. In his words, "Play tether ball with it." (Yes, he could make his tooth go back and forth. *shudder*)

B. Stick his tooth on the outside of his mouth and close it (ala Muttley)

Yup. Those two things are gross enough to make even the squirmiest person shudder...Ah, the mind of a 10 year old.

Oh, if you don't like books, don't read my blog tomorrow. Book purchases #3 and #4 of the year were made yesterday in San Diego. And folks, there's a story to be told...stay tuned. Same bat time (well, maybe) same bat channel (definitely).

Driving home from teaching at The Stamp Addict in San Diego (great class!!!!, but not fun driving home with the nuts around me in the rain!!) Listened to Musharraf on 60 minutes. WTF!?!?! What an ass! As usual, they blame the victim. I'd like to know how change can be made if people just lock their asses in doors. *sigh*


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