Home again, home again jiggity jig...Yesterday was somewhat uneventful though the stopover in Chicago was interesting:

When we landed it was somewhat overcast but the sun was peeking through...5 minutes later it started to snow. Southwest was kinda wonky this time when it came to boarding. Not sure if they overbooked or what...They boarded the plane and then several "Groups" of 2 or 3 people at a time were let on each looking for seats. It took forever to get out of Chicago and we were only 5 minutes late at LAX so I think they planned it this way ;)
From LAX it took about 3 hours to get home between waiting for the bags and Supershuttle. Some Jack Ass who boarded the bus last and spent the whole ride on his cellphone talking money and business got off the bus first and then proceeded to argue about the price and haggle the driver. Jack Ass got away with paying at least almost $10 less than the rest of us. Not right. Not fair.
Got home at almost 2 and spent the rest of the day doing errands-bank, post office, used the gift certificate my parents gave us to Cheesecake Factory..also hit Barnes & Noble at the Grove and then Borders in West Hollywood looking for Somerset's Life Images (thankfully Borders had it). Was in bed by 9 with Richard Matheson's I AM LEGEND which I have been wanting to read for more then 13 years now. (David finally found the copy he had bought ages ago). I have not seen the latest version of the film, but Vincent Price's Last Man On Earth is one of my favorites...

I despise unpacking...here's what a portion of the bed looks like after some of the stuff is taken out of suitcases:
Stamps I bought from Ink About It and The Stamp Act:
Books and Magazines that my friends Sharyn & Susan in MA gave me Thanks Ladies!!):
Some old magazines I found at New England Comics for $.50 each. Alas, they were the only copies:
Some goodies I bought at The Stamp Act and some goodies my friend Sharyn gave me in our "Secret Santa" swap.

More goodies from the stores in MA:Now, to find new homes for all of it!!!

We're also all waiting for the rain to start falling...


Anonymous said…
Hi Kelly,

Happy New Year! and a belated Happy Anniversary.

Looks like you have tons of new treasures. I simply must ask what stamp company makes the skull & crossbones as well as the "little bird told me?" And as a huge fan of Halloween, what company is making those rub-ons??? I can't see if it's Hamby, Mamby or Namby. Inquiring minds really want to know.

I'm with you, I love the Last Man on Earth, what a great Vincent Price performance. Then again, even the campy performances of VP are enjoyable. I did see I Am Legend and Will Smith does a good job, but if I had to pick a favorite,it's VP.

Anonymous said…
Oh, the weather here (in Chicago) has been terrible; it's so cold out, I'm not getting out from under my blanket for anything...I can do art from here!
Jeane Frizzell said…
Oooh, I'm jealous new Hambly rub-ons and card stock lace. Skull and bird stamps, looks like your shopping was fun! Can't wait to play in AZ. It's coming up soon.
sf said…
I'm jealous too!!!But hey, at DIA, to get a shuttle, you have to pay FIRST. AND THERE IS NO negotiation, everyone is equal!!!xxo
~jolene said…
Kelly, glad you are home...snug as a bug in a rug :) Your holidays sounded so great - time with family and teaching!!!!!
Love all the goodies you acquired :)

We are awaiting the STORM here too...Yay! Our fav weather Kelly!
Marissa said…

I went to New England Comics in Quincy on Sunday and could not find anything similar to the magazines you bought. I did get a couple of things. Garbage Pail Kids are being released again. Which location did you go to and where in the store did you find the magazines. Thanks, Marissa
Kelly Kilmer said…
Hi Marissa,

They had 3 issues-the ones I bought-in the $.50 bargain bin. I asked the woman at the desk (who has worked there for YEARS) if they had any more and she said no. I would have bought more if they had had them...

That was the only thing I bought there that day as they didn't have the two books I was looking for!


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