Happy New Year!!!!!

Here are the most recent journal pages I have been working on. The first one is finished. It's composed of bits and pieces I bought on etsy from various vendors (I will do a whole post on that soon). The rest of the pages are "in progress".

I hope everyone had a nice New Years Eve. We stuck to our annual tradition and watched The Apartment again. David, Tristan and I also went out to dinner with my sister, brother in law and my Dad to a restaurant called Jamie's in Braintree, MA. WOW-it was good! Too much food ;) (typical with my family) but it was delish! I have had my fill of scallops that will now last me several months.

In the morning at the wee early hours, we will be heading home. Think happy winged safe thoughts for us :} We leave here at 6:30 a.m. and get into LAX about 11:15. It's a long flight, but what can you do? We stop in Chicago-eeps. I don't think I have ever flown into Chicago!!! Any ways, more after we are rested and back in La La Land.

Happy New Year again!!!


&rew said…
Happy New Year! These journal pages are really great - it's amazing to see that you could put so many disparate pieces together, and still, somehow they came out great. Looking forward to list of vendors. Have a safe trip back home! &rew
Anonymous said…
happy new year kelly! can't find your e-mail address and am wondering what happened to my journal ordered in november. it hasn't arrived yet ... thanx
Kelly Kilmer said…
Hi Belinda,

Argh!! I sent the journal off a day or 2 after you had ordered it. Frustrating!! I can either refund your $ or make you another one (customized!) this weekend.
kecia deveney said…
your journal pages are just gorgeous!

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