Yesterday felt like Christmas!

A couple of weeks ago I ordered two class kits from Artist/Teacher Extraordinaire, Juliana Coles...I usually try to take at least one class every year at Art Unraveled and usually it's with Juliana. This year, I wasn't able to do so so I was itching for a class. I was ecstatic when Juliana made her a couple of her classes available as "kits". Each kit was wrapped beautifully in tissue paper. It really felt like Christmas.

Here's kit #1-

Here's kit #2-

Both kits were PACKED with goodies. I was just ecstatic. Booklet after booklet. Goodies. Just all sorts of inspiring STUFF. If you haven't taken a class with Juliana, I strongly encourage you to do so. She is unlike any teacher out there. I love her workshops. I love her art. I just adore her! Yes, I'm gushing but she is a huge inspiration to so many of us, so if she comes to your town, jump on the chance to take a workshop! If she makes more of these kits, you need one (or two! ;))


Before I taught last night (GREAT class, btw, LOVED the group that was there-tons of fun), we trekked over to Golden Apple Comics and Meltdown Comics. Tristan was SO happy as we snagged a copy of the latest Owly at Golden Apple. I also bought the latest Kabuki. At Meltdown, I spotted the latest issue of IMAGES magazine-

Images is a high quality illustration magazine filled with vintage images that are just EYE popping and jaw dropping. The latest issue is #9. I guess the cover price is going up starting with #10 but the magazine is also expanding in page size, so that makes up for it!


in England asked me to participate in her collaborative art project, The Crust Station House. You can see all of the amazing pages here. It's outside of my box but was a lot of fun to do and I'm thrilled she asked me to participate.


Oh yeah, this is what I now call Christmas Crack.


Anonymous said…
Your pictures of goodies make me drool!
Anonymous said…
ooohhh -- i love julianna, too! took a class the AU before last (couldn't schedule it last year -- boo), and she really changed the way i do art (as did you, ms. kilmer). are these kits the $50 retreat kits on her site? or something else? oh, must have!!!

Anonymous said…
Kelly, loved the retreat kits by Juliana.....please email or post Juliana coles email address on your blog............these are beautiful and inspiring. deborah-ann
Anonymous said…
Ohmigod....Juliana's retreat kits look amazing!!! Can you post her email address on your blog or email me? Thanks for inspiring me to create art. deborah-ann
Anonymous said… those retreat kits by Juliana!! please post Juliana's email address so I can order mine. Thankyou, Thankyou, deborah-ann
Dawn D. Sokol said…
Why must you keep posting such yummy stuff, Kelly? I can't take it anymore! Because of you, I've spent MORE money than I normally would... ;) JK...Thanks for showing GREAT stuff!

&rew said…
I have taken Julianna's class in my first trip to Art Unravelled in Phoenix. It was the first class, and boy what a class! Will have to check out her website for these booklets! &rew
Babelfish said…
Thank you for your participation in the project, your room is wonderful, hope you had fun doing it!

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