Two page journal spread I made last night using some of the goodies I ordered from Collage Joy in Canada. In addition to the Collage Joy goodies (see photos below), I also used Cram Creme tape I bought at Giant Robot, little stickers from G.R., Accepted By Labels (have no idea where I found those) and Sakura Gelly Roll Glaze pens in black and white.
More Collage Joy Love:

I think hubby thought I was insane as I coo'd over the Mary Jane label...and the owl cards. I'm starting to think maybe I am a wee bit crazy...

The new Juxtapoz is worth picking up just for the article on Eduardo Recife alone!

I finished Chris Ware's Acme Novelty Datebook Volume 2 last night. Absolutely loved it. There's ink spots, marks and all sorts of little tidbits throughout the book that gives it the look and feel of a "real" journal. I wonder what size the original sketchbooks are. I love that not only does he draw everything everywhere but he adds comments to the sketches in addition to dating them. I also enjoyed the comics about him that are sprinkled throughout. Even if you're not a "comics" fan (and how can you not be), this is a must have (in addition to volume 1) for your library. It will get you itching to pick up a pen and start drawing...


I can't get this image out of my mind...This article has stayed with me since I read it. How many incidents like this go unreported?


&rew said…
I will have to check out Collage Joy...I remember spitting out Mary Jane candy when I was a little kid - I think I didn't like the taste of it. But these collage stuff in the pictures made my mouth salivating! &rew
Anonymous said…
I think your hubby is right.
You ARE crazy! (in a good way)

It's cool that you get a tickle, excited, drool or are cooing over art goodies.
Oh... Mercy said…
Holy moly girl.You are so rocking out.
As I am looking down the page I'm thinking I want her life, I want that color. I want to be in California.
I have a 2 year "plan" of sorts.

love checing in here.
so uplifting. You are such a hot ticket.
Sharyn said…
Hi Kelly!

LOVE the pages in the last 2 posts! I want to make beautiful art too. When are you leaving CA?
It's already snowed about 6 inches today. See ya soon!

Anonymous said…
WOW! I absolutely love this spread! YOU ROCK!
Kelly Kilmer said…
aww shucks thanks everyone :)

Andrew-looking forward to seeing you at The Stamp Act!

Tasha-Give Jaz a hug for me!!

Diana-Hope your 2 year "plan" works out ;)

Sharyn-I dropped you an email...looking forward to seeing you soon!!!!

Pam-Awwwww, thanks for the kind words :)
iHanna said…
This is a great spread, I like all the images - and the owls... oh what is it about owls?! :-)
Holly Loves Art said…
What a cool site! Thanks for sharing AGAIN.... you are always so great at telling us about what is out there!

Happy holidays!!

Shoshanah said…
love this spread! and i love mary janes and have saved the labels to use in collage. lol

when are you leaving for MA?

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