Sorry for the delay in updating! It's been hectic and busy the last few days. Our trip to Tivoli & Red Hook, NY was a ton of fun (pictures to follow). The last two days have been spent either gathering last minute goodies, baking and/or wrapping. I am a wee bit tired of wrapping at the moment. It has never been my favorite thing to do.
I think I neglected to show you this page I created a week or two ago-

Tristan and Grandpa Bob play Uno. Tristan didn't know how to play it so there was no "cheating" ;) on his part!! He's funny to play games with.
Tristan and his Bionicle explore Grandpa Bob & Aunt Verna's house-
I won't tell you what my husband did to this tree when he as a kid (um, proof children and matches do not mix) but I do love the photo and thankfully the tree is still there!
The fort Tristan and Grandpa Bob built-
Kilmer Family 2007-Back Row-Trevor, Uncle Frank, Aunt Stephanie, Grandpa Bob, Aunt Verna, David, Kelly and Aunt Theresa
Front Row-Cousin Conor, Cousin Kelly, Cousin Jessie, Cousin Nick, Tristan and Cousin Dodie
Missing from the picture Dodie's husband and Chen, their Exchange Student from China.

Um, my Mom and "Dewey" (my sister's dog, aka Mom's other GrandBaby or GrandDog) sound asleep after David, Tristan and I drive back from NY (4 hour drive). LOL!!!
Not much new to report. Getting ready for Christmas tomorrow. I hope things go well. Looking forward to Christmas morning and seeing Tristan's reaction to his gifties. Then in the afternoon we will go to my Cousin Bev's house (she and my Aunt Sis are the best cooks in the whole world) to see Bev, Aunt Sis and more family! I'm really looking forward to it!!! Aunt Sis had her angioplasty surgery on Saturday. She needs lots of bed rest and hopefully she will be ok. Thanks for keeping her in your prayers it is really appreciated!!
Bev got Tristan a gingerbread house to put together. He's never made one before so it should be a ton of fun. He LOVED the gingerbread cookies my sister-in-law made the other day (um, so does my husband he ate over a dozen of them in less than 24 hours!!!)
OK back to helping Mom wrap presents.
Merry Christmas everyone!!!!!
I think I neglected to show you this page I created a week or two ago-
Tristan and Grandpa Bob play Uno. Tristan didn't know how to play it so there was no "cheating" ;) on his part!! He's funny to play games with.
Front Row-Cousin Conor, Cousin Kelly, Cousin Jessie, Cousin Nick, Tristan and Cousin Dodie
Missing from the picture Dodie's husband and Chen, their Exchange Student from China.
Um, my Mom and "Dewey" (my sister's dog, aka Mom's other GrandBaby or GrandDog) sound asleep after David, Tristan and I drive back from NY (4 hour drive). LOL!!!
Not much new to report. Getting ready for Christmas tomorrow. I hope things go well. Looking forward to Christmas morning and seeing Tristan's reaction to his gifties. Then in the afternoon we will go to my Cousin Bev's house (she and my Aunt Sis are the best cooks in the whole world) to see Bev, Aunt Sis and more family! I'm really looking forward to it!!! Aunt Sis had her angioplasty surgery on Saturday. She needs lots of bed rest and hopefully she will be ok. Thanks for keeping her in your prayers it is really appreciated!!
Bev got Tristan a gingerbread house to put together. He's never made one before so it should be a ton of fun. He LOVED the gingerbread cookies my sister-in-law made the other day (um, so does my husband he ate over a dozen of them in less than 24 hours!!!)
OK back to helping Mom wrap presents.
Merry Christmas everyone!!!!!