More Confessions from a Book Whore

Hubby has been doing computer stuff all day so I can't upload the new journal pages I was going to show you...I will get those on asap. I have been a very busy girl!

Instead I will tell you about two books I bought today and why I went to the same bookstore twice (ugh)-

First up is Olle Eskell : Swedish Graphic Designer, a delightful collection of Eskell's artwork. I had seen it before and at a $40 price tag, I passed. Well, today, I had to go to the Grove and do several errands. I decided after hitting the post office (and mailing out my etsy orders) that I would hit Barnes & Noble for a few minutes and grab Tristan a book, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, that had caught my eye in the past and after he read several pages last night and just kept laughing at the pictures, I thought that it would be a good present for the plane. I also found him this moleskine that he had asked for.

So, I decide that I would scope out the graphic design, art and Eddie Campbell's favorite section of the store looking for a copy of Julie Doucet's 365 Days (because, you know, I don't have any books to bring on the plane. Oh, this will be a blog post in and of itself in a day or so-what books I am bringing with me...stay tuned). I spot Olle's book and just fall in love. Yet, the $40 price tag made me cringe. I write down the name, put it back on the shelf, pay for Tristan's goods, grab an iced tea and leave. When I arrive at home, I head for the computer. Of course, no one has the damn book in stock-any where. I think about it for a bit and decide that it will make me nuts and that I really do want this book. I do a couple of errands around the house...try to get the book out of my head. 11:45 a.m. and Tristan is due out of school in an hour. Shit. I can't get the book out of my head. I kiss David goodbye (he tells me to have fun with my boyfriend since this is the second day in a row I head out mysteriously ;) I tell him we'll have fun later -LOL).

I make it to the bookstore and still have a wee bit o' time to kill before getting Tristan so I walk up and down the "Art" section looking at the various books by different artists. I spot The Little Star Dweller by Yoshitomo Nara. Nara's books are always out of my price range. I flip through the book. Oh shit. I flip through it again. much? I love that the store now has little terminals that you can look up information on your own. Ooh, it's reasonably priced. I head to the register.

Two more reasons why I shouldn't be allowed out of the house. ;)


Dawn D. Sokol said…
Wow, I think you and I need to stop...I have an addiction, too. Maybe we should start a book addicts anonymous group...

BTW: The 365 Days book doesn't release until January, according to Amazon...

Kelly Kilmer said…
Hey Dawn,


The 365 Days is's just a matter of when the stores receive it. I don't trust amazon release dates anymore. :)
The Acme Novelty Datebook-I got it almost a week before the release date according to amazon. Comic book shops got it a week later. Weird as they are usually first dibs.

The publisher is in Canada so that probably is what is taking so long...(damn customs!)
&rew said…
Can you please get these bookstores out of LA and into New York City? You are killing me - you are closer to these awesome bookstores...maybe I have not look at the NYC bookstores close enough...but I'm a book addict and can't get out of a book store without at least one book in my hands! LOL. &rew
Dawn D. Sokol said…
I think you have better bookstores over's mostly chains here and they rarely get the books before Amazon does (at least here)...maybe I'll check Changing Hands...they're right around the corner from us...


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