I mentioned Andrew in the post yesterday. I couldn't let this pass without blogging about it!!! I met Andrew for the first time in person at Art Unraveled in August. We had corresponded a couple of times before as he had wanted to take my color theory class last August at AU but things happened and he wasn't able to attend. Andrew took my Graffito book class at AU in August and then found out I was teaching at The Rubber Chicken Stamp Art Store in MD where he trekked from NJ to take a couple of my workshops. Andrew drove up again from NJ on Friday to take my workshops at The Stamp Act in Marshfield, MA. We chat via email and I'm always checking his blogs for his amazing updates on art, life and oh so much more. It's always nice to see Andrew and get a chance to talk with him. On Friday, he surprised me with this fabulous origami box:

That puppy was heavy! You can imagine my surprise and amazement when I opened it up to find out not only was the box amazing and gorgeous in and of itself but the inside! OH! The inside was FILLED with paper cut to fit the box:
Closer inspection of the box found this quote that made me gasp and chuckle with delight:

Thank you again Andrew from the bottom of my heart! Your kindness and thoughtfulness really made my day. The box makes me smile every time I see it. Please make sure you bookmark Andrew's blog. It really is one of my favorites!


I couldn't let today's post pass without saying Happy Anniversary to my Honey. It's been 12 wonderful years which I wouldn't trade for anything in the world (not even teeth whitener at the moment-ugh! too much Iced tea I guess-time to get thee some whitening strips, though I should just spend the money on books-ha ha- right Taylor?)

David and I met in 1994 as pen pals through a wonderful Tim Burton zine called Everyone Needs A Hobby. We corresponded and that correspondence blossomed into something wonderful that led to many phone calls, packages in the mail and me getting on a plane to visit him on Christmas Day 1995. 7 hours after I got off the plane he proposed. A week later we were married. It's hard to believe that 12 years can go by so fast. It seems like only yesterday I was a spry 21 year old walking off the plane and into his arms. I love you David...


&rew said…
Happy, happy anniversary, Kelly & David! &rew
lee said…
now how romatic is that....happy anniversary
Long Black Eyelahes said…
I am sooo glad you are happy, nothing beats that!
BoneFolder said…
Teeth whitener? Bah. I'll show ya some Photoshop tricks....
Anonymous said…
Happy anniversary to you two kids!
~jolene said…
Happy Anniversary Kelly & David!

Happy New Year Kelly, David and Tristan!!!

Keep on rockin' ;-)
Fiona said…
hata romantic, wonderful story!

And that box of papers is wonderful too - you lucky girl