Happy Almost New Year everyone!! I have been crazy insane busy the last several days so I apologize for not posting.
I spent Thursday teaching at Ink About It in Westford, MA. WOW! That was my first time teaching at the store and I *LOVED* it. My friend Sharyn was kind enough to drive me there. It made the car ride fun as good company is always nice to have!! I couldn't believe the size of the new store!! The classes were packed with about 20 people in each workshop. We "Christened" their new location (right next door) with my two classes. Linda & Lori who own the store are extremely sweet, kind and friendly! I am really looking forward to going back there. I had a great time with wonderfully talented (and friendly) students. The following two pictures are the mess we made ;) um, I mean the fun we had ;)

On Friday & Saturday I returned to one of my favorite teaching "haunts", The Stamp Act in Marshfield. You guys know how much I love The Stamp Act and all of the gang there-Marie, Gloria, Dan, Elyce, Sharyn, Susan and my new friends there-Marissa, Raine, Mandy, Renee and all of the wonderful people who took the workshops!!! Andrew trekked all the way from New Jersey for Friday's workshops (more on Andrew to follow!) Marie and her family are always so kind and gracious not to mention a ton of fun!! It always feels like "home" and visiting with old friends when I teach here. No wonder why Bernie and Michael are also returning in '08. Here are some pictures of the fun we had in the workshops-

Here's Tristan visting Grandpa "Bapa" at work (that's Nana next to Tristan). What a ham!

It's been a whirlwind week (but a nice time!) Today was spent at my cousin Bev's house. I love visiting everyone there. It was great to see Bev, my Aunt Sis, Jim, Charlie, Mary, Frank, Denise and the kids. It's always a good time there!!
On the way home we stopped into Shaw's (grocery store) and came outside about 10 minutes later-WOW! The snow was really coming down when the sky had been clear moments before. Now, we're all snug and nestled in the warm house-thankful to be inside. Hopefully the snow that is supposed to hit the next two days won't be so bad (fingers crossed). We're going home Wednesday early early (ugh ugh).
I spent Thursday teaching at Ink About It in Westford, MA. WOW! That was my first time teaching at the store and I *LOVED* it. My friend Sharyn was kind enough to drive me there. It made the car ride fun as good company is always nice to have!! I couldn't believe the size of the new store!! The classes were packed with about 20 people in each workshop. We "Christened" their new location (right next door) with my two classes. Linda & Lori who own the store are extremely sweet, kind and friendly! I am really looking forward to going back there. I had a great time with wonderfully talented (and friendly) students. The following two pictures are the mess we made ;) um, I mean the fun we had ;)

It's been a whirlwind week (but a nice time!) Today was spent at my cousin Bev's house. I love visiting everyone there. It was great to see Bev, my Aunt Sis, Jim, Charlie, Mary, Frank, Denise and the kids. It's always a good time there!!
On the way home we stopped into Shaw's (grocery store) and came outside about 10 minutes later-WOW! The snow was really coming down when the sky had been clear moments before. Now, we're all snug and nestled in the warm house-thankful to be inside. Hopefully the snow that is supposed to hit the next two days won't be so bad (fingers crossed). We're going home Wednesday early early (ugh ugh).