Etsy-order now for the Holidays!!

I'll be leaving for Boston soon...if you're interested in buying a journal for yourself or for someone else for the holidays, now is the time!! I have 4 in the shop at the moment. I won't be updating the shop for a while now, so now is the time to jump on it! :)


My friend, Taylor sent me a *GREAT* book yesterday, Roz Chast's Childproof. I was reading it in the waiting room of Tristan's doctor yesterday laughing my rear off!! I love Roz's work and was so happy to receive a copy of this!!!! Thanks Taylor for thinking of me :)

After finishing Roz's book, I picked up The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion. I'd been looking for a copy of this in the used bookstores for the longest time and finally found one at Brand Books in Glendale.


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