Beastlies! Not the felted owl (I bought him on etsy last year...the cute felted hat he is wearing was made by my friend Anna Marie-Love it!!). See his two new friends? Those are Beastlies made by Leslie who works at Meltdown in L.A. I was getting ready to leave Meltdown (nothing I had to have...) when I saw the two birds in the case and scooped them up. Aren't they cute?

I found lots of goodies at The Iliad book store in North Hollywood on Friday. We ventured out in the rain as I had to get books for my class on Friday. I found copies (for a $1 and $2 each) of Lois Lenski's Strawberry Girl first edition 6th printing-but the dust jacket was ripped off. I also bought a book from 1911 with a great cover The Girl of the Golden West by D. Belasco. Just the cover called to me the last time I was in the store and I was happy to find it again!
Also found a cute book called 100 Creator's Pet Characters-

Busy weekend...busy week! Taught at Paper Post this weekend and had a GREAT time!! Great group and it was a lot of fun both days not to mention nice not having to pack and unpack each day but to be able to leave stuff overnight (Oh joy of joys! I loved it!!)

Funny story though I meant to bring my black bag of papers and stuff-all my precious stuff I've been collecting and using lately-home with me on Saturday night. I thought I'd left it in the car (of course I remembered at 9 p.m. when I was already in my pjs) so David went downstairs (no bag). Then I started thinking I think I left it in the parking lot! OH NO! Then I thought NOooo I left it in the store. BUT WHAT IF I LEFT IT IN THE PARKING LOT!?!?! (Now the bag DOES have my name, phone # and email on it). So I'm thinking of my stupid precious bag of papers that is only valuable to a fellow paper whore. I start thinking that someone else has it and is using it and hoarding it (LOL). I walk in the store on Sunday and of course it is sitting where I left it...Yes, I do need to get more sleep! Aiiyaiiiiiii...Just thought I'd share my (sometimes-ha!) nuttiness with you.

BUSY week-Tristan gets out early every day for parent teacher between getting stuff ready for classes and 2008 stuff and "parent" stuff (doctors appointment...parent/teacher meeting tomorrow)...I'm crazed already!

Have a great day!!!


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