
Some pages from the weekend...more to come...

This is a small sampling of the "stuff" I work with...I park my rear to the left of the photo and start digging looking for whatever it is I need...Odd scraps of paper make me happy...
So far, *knock wood*, Day 1: No Jury Duty. One of these days I'll tell you why I don't want to go. It's a laundry list of "whys". Keep your fingers crossed for me.


The mailman just knocked. Our Postman only knocks once and then runs like hell (or so it seems). David got the door and turned around saying "Help me!" LOL, I guess Christmas time is coming. Two DVD boxes from Deepdiscount ( one is supposed to know what is in them). My Coffee Break Design stencils (yes!) from Frenzy Stamper. My Paumes' book, Stockholm's Ateliers (I. Love. These. Books.) And oooohh, my "Secret Santa" present (Oh my! Big Box!!! Thanks Secret Santa) from the Hannah Grey Yahoo Group. Hmm...I wonder if my Secret Santa is someone who makes me laugh...hmmm...The hardest thing of THIS secret Santa is that we have a present for "week 1, 2, 3 and 4..." Ummmm...I'm 33 going on 8. And I can hold off how? Gotta give the presents to David so he'll tuck them away week by week. ;) Yes, I am a big goober.


Am almost done reading Foolsgold by Susan Wooldridge-what a delightful book! I *love* her first book, Poemcrazy. Her words just flow and inspire you to reach for your pen or your paint...And no wonder why I adore Susan's work so much-she's related to Uncle Ruthie!! I was floored last night when reading Foolsgold and Susan mentioned Uncle Ruthie or as her Dad called her, "Cousin Uncle Ruthie". Just tickled me pink! Uncle Ruthie is the host and producer of KPFK (Pacifica)'s Saturday morning show, Halfway Down The Stairs. It is one of my most favorite programs on KPFK-it's something that everyone can listen to be they young or old! You can access podcasts of Uncle Ruthie's show, Halfway Down The Stairs here. Does anyone know where Uncle Ruthie's name came from?

"And goodnight, Uncle Ruthie, wherever you are! "


Anonymous said…
I love both of Susan Woolridge's books! I've read them over and over...and I wish I could find those Coffee Break stencils here!
sf said…
Stencils? Kelly, luv, can you describe to me?
I really need some new --- but can't find pictures at Coffee Break OR Frenzied Stamper(?).
Anonymous said…
Fingers crossed that you remain jury duty free.

I went and got stuck.
Then I paced at break neck speed like a wild animal in the halls during breaks.
Apparently this alarmed a few people- so I was always the FIRST one escorted in and seated. Never did figure out why I got such special treatment.
Shoshanah said…
i know who your secret santa is -- neener neener neener! and i'm no-ot tell-ing!

i am so jealous of your stencils! me and coffee break designs are just not meant to be. pout. pout. pout.
Shoshanah said…
ps love the journal from the weekend!
Sharyn said…
Hi Kelly,

Love the stuff you've been doing!
Will you be bringing those new stencils next month? Can't wait to see you.

Love Sharyn :)
Apple said…
Wonderful pages