More ramblings and oh oh more little Japanese art books...
It's fun to try to push yourself and work in a way you usually don't. I created this bird lady using bits and pieces of various images and blended everything together with Sakura Gelly Roll Glaze and Souffle pens.
The "Identity" page reminded me of a conversation that a friend and I recently had about "labels" and how neither of us like being labeled and wearing only one hat when we all juggle many...and labels just stick us in one category.

Here are two pages that I started in my "Inspired: Inspirations for Art Journaling" class on Sunday at Stampin' From The Heart. It was my debut of the new class so I'm always on edge wondering what people think... :) I LOVED what everyone did-very amazing and totally unique to them!!!
Yes, the next page does say "Badass Mayan Warrior". I found the postcard somewhere and needed to use it...

So far, *knock wood*, Day 2: No Jury Duty.
Sigh, I don't even have to leave the house. Books are tempting me from other people's blogs. Look what Geninne ordered. I had to do the same but I ordered these books from Lotta-
Handmade Project
From Aland with Love
Lotta's Lifestyle
Lotta's Travel Lifestyle
I wanted the scarf but didn't order it-saved my $ for the books instead! LOL!!!
Um, I need to start (or join) a 12 step program for those damn little Japanese art books I LOVE. Paumes is one of my absolute most favorite book publishers. I can't read them but they are like little treasure troves of inspirational eye candy. Any other "damn little Japanese Art/Craft Books" that YOU Can recommend? What don't I know about? I feel like the "Wonder Twins" (um, you know "Wonder Twin Powers, Activate!" as they push their rings together fist to fist and transform into whatever) and saying "Book Whores Unite!" Or is it more like Pokemon and "gotta catch 'em all" (sheesh).
Um, if you like the little books, do not look here. ("Warning! Warning, Will Robinson!") I'm looking more for the style of the Paumes books-art/design/artist studios/artists sketchbooks...that kind of stuff. I'm not into the beading, fabric, or any real "how to". I want to see how the artist works, how they live, what inspires them, what they do, etc...
Joanna T.-thanks for the labels!! They made my day!!!!!! :)
So far, *knock wood*, Day 2: No Jury Duty.
Sigh, I don't even have to leave the house. Books are tempting me from other people's blogs. Look what Geninne ordered. I had to do the same but I ordered these books from Lotta-
Handmade Project
From Aland with Love
Lotta's Lifestyle
Lotta's Travel Lifestyle
I wanted the scarf but didn't order it-saved my $ for the books instead! LOL!!!
Um, I need to start (or join) a 12 step program for those damn little Japanese art books I LOVE. Paumes is one of my absolute most favorite book publishers. I can't read them but they are like little treasure troves of inspirational eye candy. Any other "damn little Japanese Art/Craft Books" that YOU Can recommend? What don't I know about? I feel like the "Wonder Twins" (um, you know "Wonder Twin Powers, Activate!" as they push their rings together fist to fist and transform into whatever) and saying "Book Whores Unite!" Or is it more like Pokemon and "gotta catch 'em all" (sheesh).
Um, if you like the little books, do not look here. ("Warning! Warning, Will Robinson!") I'm looking more for the style of the Paumes books-art/design/artist studios/artists sketchbooks...that kind of stuff. I'm not into the beading, fabric, or any real "how to". I want to see how the artist works, how they live, what inspires them, what they do, etc...
Joanna T.-thanks for the labels!! They made my day!!!!!! :)
You are setting yourself up for bankruptsy.
(Don't forget to share results)
Having said that I also have to say, "Thanks a lot Kelly!" Now my book list has grown by leaps and bounds. I kept going from there and now there are these Japanese books I'd love to get, but the only place I've found them is on japan which translates into $63 USD which is mostly shipping. Yikes! I really do appreciate your book reviews and sharing. Without them I would not have found some wonderful treasures. Please keep them coming. I especially love to hear about the hunt for them. I'm very envious of all the bookstores you have at your disposal. Only big box stores around here. :(
My fingers are crossed you won't be called for jury duty. I'm also keeping my eyes open for any vintage Rx labels.
Keep up the wonderful eye candy! I hope for Christmas your neighbor and his garbage will move!
Thanks for the kind words :) Ooh that is a good Christmas wish-thank you for it! LOL!!! I hope it comes true!!!
I primarily use acrylics for the backgrounds...though I did color the bird lady in (her shirt and the eggs) with the Sakura Gelly roll glaze and souffle pens. I use the pens primarily for writing...though you can "color" with them in little spots at a time while the pens are still "wet and fresh from writing with them". It's kinda a pain to do as you have to do it in tiny spots...
What Japanese books are you looking for?
:) Kelly