2nd Post in a day...It's Jeane's fault...she told me to write this.

(I started this-it's a two page spread-the other day...I'll show it to you again when I'm finished)
Jeane said I should post my "Wish List" for Christmas. What I would like right now is more time, someone to clean up my apartment for me (ha!), more bookshelf space, someone to do my jury duty service next Monday (*if* I have to go...knowing my luck, I will. UGH), etc...

As far as "stuff"-things that I'd love to see under the Christmas tree. Here's my list that my family will probably never see-

A painting by Mike. Just go look at his art..two thumbs up on his copyright statement, too.

A painting and/or doll by Cathy. I *LOVE* This.

Art from Judy.

A print by Outi. PINK!!!

If this owl isn't the cutest damn thing...Oh my and look at this one.

"Captain Bob" a.k.a. Bob Cottle a.k.a. Nature World of Captain Bob VHS or DVD tapes that I know probably don't even exist...ok, how about a time machine back to my childhood?

Mendhi and/or Henna stencils.

Stencils that I don't have.

I have been looking for the teeny-I mean teeny tiny alphabet set on long wooden pegs. I can't think of the name of the company off the top of my head BUT there used to be a company in Malaysia that sold rubber alphabet and number sets on long wooden pegs in a cardboard box. I pretty much have every size that they made *except* for the teeny teeny teeny itty bitty ones. These are smaller then the set that was sold at Restoration Hardware years ago. Any ways, I'm looking for a set of tiny alphabets and numbers...if anyone could point me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it.

Paper. Paper. More Paper. Vintage. New. Old. I don't care. I heart paper.

Images. Pictures. Things to use on my pages of my journals.

Books about people's art journals, art studios. Any new ones coming out that I don't know about yet? I ordered this and this last night.

These paper ephemera packets look cool.

The Maira Kalman books I am missing.

All of the Paumes books I am missing. I heart their books. Who cares if I can't read them. I just like to look at the pictures (though being able to read them would be nice).

A Gift certificate to Giant Robot.

Decorative packing tape I don't have.

Someone to just take all of the art I've done that I want to make into a book and do it for me, please.

Um, my own art exhibit one of these days...(dreamin'...dreamin'...)

A digital camera (hey, if I'm gonna dream, I can dream big, right?)

Someone to patch the hole in my favorite black vintage skirt. So sad that I can't wear it as it has a big ol' hole in it. I could wear the damn thing for the rest of my life (LOL).

New colors from Sakura Gelly Roll GLAZE and SOUFFLE pens. (still dreamin' but dreamin' large).

Snow. Snow when I go back East for Christmas. Snow on Christmas Eve. Snow on Christmas. Snow the day after Christmas. Snow on New Years Eve. Snow on New Years. Any of those days would be wonderful...anything else would suck. LOL ;)

Rain in Los Angeles. Bye bye to 90 degree weather.

A weekend in my pjs.

On another note, I'm thinking of compiling a list of my top favorite books that I've bought this year...what do you think? Books that I think you guys would love and the ones that I have gone back to time and time again throughout 2007.

I hate making lists like this so I hope this is what you wanted me to write Jeane! LOL!!!! I hope it gives you guys some ideas on what to get your friends and family for the holidays. Remember, shop local! Buy handmade! To hell with the big box stores! Go to the art stores and MAKE stuff for your family for the holidays. Buy from other artists. DIY this year!



Anonymous said…
My wish is that the antibiotics kick in very quickly (strep.)
Well, I'd also like an anonymous gift of $10,000. (tax free!)
Anonymous said…
i'd also prefer an anonymous gift of $10,000. thanks for the link... if you want anything up on etsy right now let me know... its on the house because i was in need of some encouragement today. thank you.
Kelly Kilmer said…
LOL, ok I'll take $10,000 myself ;)

Feel better, Suzi! I still have my damn cough that won't go away. Get some R & R!!

Mike, you're too sweet!! I absolutely adore your artwork. Totally jaw dropping!!!!
Anonymous said…
hey kelly,
check out mavinchi's reliquary online for alpha and numberic stamps. love there stuff!
see you soon @ SFTH for part 2!
Anonymous said…
This post kept me busy for 2 hours! I loved looking at all the artists and their work. Its now 5am and need to get my butt in gear... clean the house and work so I can have a free day. Thanks for so much eye candy. Mwah Lorraine
Tara's Art Camp said…
did you find the name of the stamps set? I know which ones you mean but my bookmark is at home, I can tell you later if you still need the info.
Ricë said…
kelly, you want to go here
http://www.stamp-out-cute.com/viewcatalog.php?catid=40 and get the #4 alphabet. it's sonny at stamp out cute. i tried to send you e-mail, but my outgoing server is down this morning--i can receive, but i can't send. anyway, you'd better run over and check my blog this morning, too!
Kelly Kilmer said…
Standard Rubber Type Co is the name of the Co from Malaysia. They're out of business and when I was going to order from them, they never had the tiny size-the smallest was the size 4 (have that!).

Stamp out Cute did have sets at one point but never the small, tiny sets :(
Ricë said…
kelly, i need your address, please. i can't send e-mail today. i can receive it just fine, but can't sent--sorry for having to contact you this way. they're working on the server malfunction. hope, hope--soon.

can't imagine an alphabet smaller than the #4--i'd love to see one. that one's so tiny i have trouble with it on fabric--the letters get parts lost among the weave of the cloth.
Lisa MB said…
Last weekend, I just saw *four* different types of tiny alphabet stamps at Michaels craft store. If they got 'em at Michaels in my burg, I bet they got 'em in your neck of the woods.
Jeane Frizzell said…
Yeah! What a treat. I would love to see your top books of 2007. I got tons of ideas for my wish list from your blog posts.
Anonymous said…
I am dreaming of an end to the writers strike SOON!
Anonymous said…
Kelly, send me your art and tell me what size book you want... Amy
Anonymous said…
Kelly, try Rubber Trouble for tiny alphabets and numbers.
Anonymous said…
Hey, you forgot about my cool book A creative year at lulu!

and what about this beautiful calendar ny Nacy?
I know it's on my list.

Have you scanned your art? I can make the book for ya!! I think it's just crazy you don't have a book yet!!! Send it over to Sweden, I don't have a job anyway. :-)
Kelly Kilmer said…

I ordered your book and am waiting for it's arrival..it seems like it's on a slow boat!

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