In thinking cap mode at the moment...

I've got my thinking cap on and am coming up with new classes for 2008. I'm very excited about the ideas I have floating around in my brain. For some reason, I don't use my journal to map out ideas, instead, I use a spiral notebook. I think I have everything set for what I want to do in early 2008. I usually try to come up with at least 8 to 12 new workshops every few months. I spent last night sketching them out on paper, now I just have to translate them into descriptions!

It's weird, too, because when I go into "thinking" mode, I rarely make art. I work things out in my head before I translate them to paper. It's just the way I've been doing it since the beginning. Not having done any art, though, for "me", I'm itching to do so...

A couple of shots of one of my journals-

HEY! Did you see Roben-Marie has a book out? I ordered mine. Did you order yours yet?

(Above book, Only When I'm Found Can I Be Me, copyright Roben-Marie Smith)

I have not been excited about upcoming movies in a long time...but I am counting the days until the following films are released-

I'm Not There-Yes, yes, everyone is talking about Cate as Bob. I think the whole idea of the film is bloody brilliant...and yes, Christian Bale is in it so I am very excited indeed!

I have been waiting for what seems like FOREVER for this film. Marjane Satrapi's Persepolis books translated to the big screen. I contemplated spending the $25 to see it at the AFI film fest, but I will wait ('cause that's WAY too much for a ticket!! I bitch about having to spend $9 LOL)

And we all know what comes out just in time for Christmas (LOL *slice* holly, jolly indeed!)

I wish, I wish, I wish I could've seen the 1000 Journals Project documentary the other day...I wish...

Very interesting report on Democracy Now yesterday by Naomi Klein on disaster response for those who will pay for it. You can read it or listen to it here.


Mariposa said…
I tend to have tons of journals that serve different purposes. I am a journal-a-holic, always buying them from the dollar store or one of the discount chains out here. I have a ton of them in storage.

I like writing out just whatever comes to mind in some of them, they're great inspiration later when I can flesh out ideas..
Your journal is soooo kewl. love it, loe your site, and I will be checking back here for the latest, and to see what crazed creative juices you've got going on.
Keep it real,

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